Easter means springtime is here, looking for bunnies, hunting Easter eggs, and eating lots and lots of candy, or is it?
Being a Christian and attending a local church was never intended to be merely a religious and special celebrations a few times a year, aka: Christmas and Easter. The true Christian has a personal and daily walk with the Master. Those who follow Christ do so everyday. Just like when He walked on this earth, Jesus continues pressing forward today. You can keep up with Him as he leads and guides you, or choose to fall far behind or totally reject him and walk away.
A relationship with Jesus is very close to being married to my wife Penny. A healthy marriage requires constant communication, of which I struggle with daily, sharing good times and bad, loving each other, giving our attention away, even when we don't feel like it. Forgiving, encouraging each other, being honesty, and just spending time together. What if we only celebrated our anniversary, but didn't do much else together during the rest of the year? Then my marriage would be what I call PLASTIC. The same thing applies to being a Christian.
The question for us as an individual this Easter season was not whether or not the Lord wanted me to attend a church service even if I rarely attend church the rest of the year. His arms are always open. The question is this: Do I want a "relationship with Him that is like a "marriage" where the couple only celebrates on their anniversary? Or do I want to live an authentic Christian life with Jesus everyday so that He will know that I really do love Him and trust Him? His action on the cross revealed His love for me. My actions reveal whether or not I love Him. I have seen so many over the years walk down an aisle, sign a card, maybe get baptized and NEVER see change. They are in for a rude awakening one day.
Jesus definitely rose from the grave, but has my spirit been raised to new life....or do I remain dead inside regardless of my attending a religious holiday observance? Am I a born again believer through faith in Christ? If I am born again, I will be pulled like a giant magnet to Him daily, which includes Wednesday and Sunday at worship and to have fellowship there with others who believe in Him. If I have little or no interest in growing in my faith every week with other Christians, that is a strong indicator that I may very well not be born again. The Bible says ,“ Examine yourself”. When Jesus truly comes to live within a person, it changes everything. My thinking. My motives. My decisions. My priorities. My relationships. No change equals no new birth.
The fact is that some marriages are on life support. Likewise, some professing Christians are only kidding themselves. It could happen to any of us if we just went through the motions. The minute I begin to neglect my marriage or my relationship with Christ is the minute I begin to drift into "cyberspace”. Minutes of neglect turn into hours and eventually weeks and months of neglect. By the time you wake up to what is going on, the relationship is already nonexistent. We leave Christ, because He NEVER leaves us.
That doesn't have to happen to you or to me. After all, Easter is a GIANT reminder to us all of what happened 2,000+ years ago..., but it should always be in our daily thoughts, actions and lives. What a perfect time RIGHT NOW to give your life to Christ for the first time, or to rededicate your life to Him and seek to restore my first love with Him....and if you are married, do it with your spouse.
So are Good Friday and Easter just dates on your calendar?
Do they thrill your soul everyday and each week as I worship with my Faith Family?
Those are questions for anyone who checks the "Christian" box on those salvation cards you may be signed.
I ask you today, “ Is your soul secure or have you been led stray but wrong thinking or something else along the way”?
Today is YOUR DAY for Salvation. Jesus is waiting and in return, I expect a phone call, text, email or Facebook message, DEAL ?
Till next time,
Romans 5:1
peace out
TC's Blog
Friday, April 13, 2012
It's Only Time
Why are people always in a hurry. Always running behind as usual. Is life supposed to be this way?
People never enjoying the journey to get to where they are going. All the missed opportunities along the way.So that begs the question.
How do we get so busy that we over book ourselves or we just haven't learned to say no?
Many times in life we say yes to some really good things and therefore leaving no time to the better things. Eternal things. Things that have eternal rewards.
I remember back not too too long ago in my student ministry days, I would say yes to EVERYTHING. Can ou come to my ball game? Can ou come see me dance? Can you come to the football and watch the me in the band? Yes Yes Yes.......Wrong move. It seems like I was about to fall off a cliff and I woke up. Since that day, I ask myself, do I have time for this or not. Ya see, even Jesus needed some well deserved " J time aka: Jesus aka Daddy time" when He needed recharging or just clarity on His Fathers wishes. We call that God's will. I have heard thousand of people say, " I want to be safe right in the middle of God's will for my life". If you are doing God's will it is NOT always safe. Several times I have asked, they did they really say that or do they have any idea of what they just said. After I explained it they were like. I had no idea. God's will NOT always a safe place people. You see, God requires SURRENDER and most, if not all of us, are still working on that, I know I am.
So with all this being said said so far, I have to ask you these questions. Because the Bible tells us to examine ourselves and YOU probably have not done that in a very long time. So here we go, and I will go from #5 to the top question of #1.
#5 - Do you read your bible daily, maybe even a devotional? Yes /No
#4 - Are you plugged in to local church? I mean INVOLVED, not just sit on the back row and make a fast exit. Yes / No
#3 - Do you pray at least daily? I mean a no selfish prayer and pray for others? Yes / No
#2 - Have you ever accepted Christ as Lord and Savior? Yes / No
#1 - Do you TRULY love Jesus? Yes / No He asked Peter that question multiple times and Peter still didn'y get it. Do you ?
If you were honest with your answers, that LIGHT BULB, should have gone off over your head.
So re-evaluate your priorities and give your time and attention to Jesus FIRST and make HIs Misson your mission, then let good works follow that have eternal meaning.And, if you need eternal things to do, email me at tim@lifechurchconnect.com or tcmlive@gmail.com. We have plenty of ideas to share.
till next time, peace
People never enjoying the journey to get to where they are going. All the missed opportunities along the way.So that begs the question.
How do we get so busy that we over book ourselves or we just haven't learned to say no?
Many times in life we say yes to some really good things and therefore leaving no time to the better things. Eternal things. Things that have eternal rewards.
I remember back not too too long ago in my student ministry days, I would say yes to EVERYTHING. Can ou come to my ball game? Can ou come see me dance? Can you come to the football and watch the me in the band? Yes Yes Yes.......Wrong move. It seems like I was about to fall off a cliff and I woke up. Since that day, I ask myself, do I have time for this or not. Ya see, even Jesus needed some well deserved " J time aka: Jesus aka Daddy time" when He needed recharging or just clarity on His Fathers wishes. We call that God's will. I have heard thousand of people say, " I want to be safe right in the middle of God's will for my life". If you are doing God's will it is NOT always safe. Several times I have asked, they did they really say that or do they have any idea of what they just said. After I explained it they were like. I had no idea. God's will NOT always a safe place people. You see, God requires SURRENDER and most, if not all of us, are still working on that, I know I am.
So with all this being said said so far, I have to ask you these questions. Because the Bible tells us to examine ourselves and YOU probably have not done that in a very long time. So here we go, and I will go from #5 to the top question of #1.
#5 - Do you read your bible daily, maybe even a devotional? Yes /No
#4 - Are you plugged in to local church? I mean INVOLVED, not just sit on the back row and make a fast exit. Yes / No
#3 - Do you pray at least daily? I mean a no selfish prayer and pray for others? Yes / No
#2 - Have you ever accepted Christ as Lord and Savior? Yes / No
#1 - Do you TRULY love Jesus? Yes / No He asked Peter that question multiple times and Peter still didn'y get it. Do you ?
If you were honest with your answers, that LIGHT BULB, should have gone off over your head.
So re-evaluate your priorities and give your time and attention to Jesus FIRST and make HIs Misson your mission, then let good works follow that have eternal meaning.And, if you need eternal things to do, email me at tim@lifechurchconnect.com or tcmlive@gmail.com. We have plenty of ideas to share.
till next time, peace
Saturday, December 24, 2011

When I look back at where Christmas all started, I see something simple, something humbling, peace, joy and most of all, love. It’s because of God’s love for us that the Christmas story even exists. I see a place that looks like a barnyard and some smelly shepherds as they watch as God's greatest miracle happens, while the world sleeps the night away. But as I looked around just today, Christmas has become the busiest time of the year. People fight over toys, Wal-Mart employees get trampled by crazed people looking for a deal, and what's in it for ME is today's standard. Our every thought is consumed by each house having the most lights on it , sending out cards so everyone can see how wonderful your family is (right), buying the best gifts, and if your a parent, making sure the kids get some cool toys. How different do these two scenes seem to ya ? How in the word did we get so far away ?
Strangely enough, Christ came to redeem that which was lost. His focus was never on Himself. His desires were always to obey the Father and save all of humanity. The church that started in the book of Acts was focused on telling others about Jesus and serving their neighbors and their communities. People living authentic and openness flourished. Living and sharing life together in good times and in bad. People chose to sacrifice for the good of others, freely giving up things that they once held tightly. People today often seem too inwardly focused. We argue over absolutely meaningless and very stupid topics while people are hurting. Families are falling apart. So how did we get so far from what God intended?
I think we need to be looking at the world through the eye's of God. Let me retract that, I KNOW we need to have God’s view of the world. We can look around and justify everything that we do with words, but God’s offer of redemption is open to everyone. Christ did not die for some, but for everybody. Christ allows us to be a light in a very dark world. Sadly enough, most choose to keep that a lid on it when it comes to even mentioning the name of JESUS !!!
HIS mission is not complete if we are not involved in some way - some how. I've been in ministry long enough to see opportunities are everywhere, especially NOW . Even with the economy in a downward spiral, how about giving of your time. Find a family, a single mom, an adolescent 6th grade boy that can't sit still for a hundred bucks, but who is hurting because he has no one to call dad and show them some Christmas love, God's love. Buy food for a local food pantry or for your church and help feed families or someone during this holiday season. Do what Christ did and make a sacrifice. Give away something you don’t need to help someone in need. God gave us a gift. Won't you share it with someone?
till next time,
peace be with you
12 24 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
I was looking in Romans 8 looking for info on the Holy Spirit of God in, were I saw that God gives the believer much encouragement along the way. 1) We have the encouragement of heir-ship. In (v.14-17), we see that, at the moment of salvation we became “sons of God,” and also “heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.” Now in Christ we have been given a new family (the Church) to encourage us, but also a future glory to look forward to as well. Praise the Lord that now in Christ, all that God has given Jesus will one day be shared with all in his family. 2) We have the encouragement of helpers. The first helper is the church. It's amazing how many people try to walk the Christian walk alone, rather than join a church and reap the benefits of having new brothers and sisters to help them and encourage them along the way. Now in Christ, we not only have a new family but secondly a new Dad, so that when we are in need or in distress, all we have to do is cry “Abba Father”(or dad help), and He promises to help. Thirdly, We also have The Holy Spirit’ help. The Bible tells us in (chp. 8) that as we travel our journey, the Holy Spirit is in constant communication with the Father, revealing to Him God’s will for our lives. So that when we know not the way, or when we can’t pray as we ought, the Spirit of God is constantly praying for us. Thank God, that God promises in His Word, that “He will never leave us or forsake us.”
Lean on that today. It's a promise. AND it's direct from God.
till next time .
peace out
Lean on that today. It's a promise. AND it's direct from God.
till next time .
peace out
Monday, August 15, 2011
Church Online
Some of you know but most of you probably do not know I lead multiple lives. Yes, I admit it. There. Done said and over with, or is it? I am not bipolar or some kind a psycho frenzy crackhead. So here's the deal. I have a day job. Period, it pays the bills and allows for giving to my church and to help feed the homeless and to help out some money starved students who are penniless and just need a cheeseburger or a Starbucks,(that's over priced coffee) every now and then. So by having a day job, it allows me to be able to serve my body of believers, (that's a church. Duh) freely without any form of compensation. But that's just the start of it. So pull a chair. Besides being a Father, Husband, Friends to literally millions around the world as TC or Master Yoda, I am a Service Director, Former Student Pastor, Mentor to several in & out of ministry, Motorcycle rider and now College Pastor, I do some international and intentional spreading of the gospel to whoever in Egypt, Pakistan, China or who knows where, will listen to me. So here's the deal.
Years ago, I found a church based out of Oklahoma, (I thought Oklahoma only had cows and oil. I never knew they had people living there.), that showed a kinda of church service over the internet. That was weird. They record a few worship songs and the pastor would come on for about 20-30 minutes and talk. Well it's not supposed to be talking it's called preaching, but this guy talked in a very different language, (yes it was in Engrish), but he spoke with a calm passionate sincerity and with a passion I just really had not heard before.
I watched this Church Online for several months and eventually someone asked me HEY TC, WE would love for you to get involved and maybe consider joining the team. I prayed and God opened up a door to serve and to serve Globally. My job then, was to greet people as they come in the live chat as a "Chat Host". A year or so later I moved into the "Live Prayer" area while still chatting it up as a Chat Host. What an awesome thing to be able to pray and talk to people of different faiths. Muslim, Hindu,Agnostic and so on and so on. Even worshipers of Wicca, Devil Worshipers, Atheist and so many more. Men and Women who have addictions, drugs, cutting, sex offenders and ones hooked on Porn. We get lots of those. Somehow God allowed me to get plugged in to see that there is hurt everywhere and people searching in all the wrong places for something to satisfy the longing they have missing. My job, or OUR JOB is just give them hope, encouragement while pointing them towards Christ. What an awesome challenging responsibility and so gratifying.Aka: Global Missionary!! and I can be in my pj's to do it. woohoo
About a month ago, I was asked once again to "step up" and I was asked to be a Team Captain and lead a team of chat host, live prayer peeps,and a admin. God has yet continued to open yet another portal for me to serve. Naturally I consulted my best friend, being Jesus, and today I got the official word after being interviewed, that the position was mine. When I began my Church Online duties, there were less than 12 worship experiences a week. Now we have 50+ and at various times around the globe as to give viewers multiple opportunities to view what God was doing in Oklahoma. So as God and my supervisor get me all "trained up" to step in at full stride and yet my newest Jesus adventure, I ask you to join me each SATURDAY NIGHT AT 9:30PM CST. THE WEB ADDRESS IS
WWW.LIVE.LIFECHURCH.TV. Who knows, you to just me experience Jesus in a new and refreshing way. Look for me. I will probably be behind the curtain somewhere talking about my best friend, Jesus. DO U KNOW HIM ?
till next time
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
Ephesians 1:7
A contradiction in the bible. Not in my opinion. We usually don’t think of lavish and wisdom in the same breath or at least I don't. Lavish means you are giving more than is necessary or giving it freely. In this tight economy, when we think of wisdom, we think of using the bare minimum. To lavish seems to be wasting, and wasting is not wise. Especially when God is lavishing something on us. From every perspective, it seems like we’re a bad investment. What can we actually give God that He doesn't already have? It can be easy to feel like we are a waste of God’s resources or grace when we constantly keep blowing it. But that’s not how God sees it. God in effect says to every one of us: No. You’re a good investment from my perspective. I think you’re worth it. I’m not lavishing my grace on you because I don’t know how bad you are. I’m lavishing my grace on you because of how good I am. And because I know how great you can be. And I’m doing it with all wisdom.”
God doesn’t waste anything. There isn’t one drop of blood or one forgiven sin He wishes He could have back. Even when it applies to you. There will never be a moment where God has second thoughts about whether He should have lavished His grace on humanity. Even when it applies to you. The reason God’s pouring out on us looks like foolishness is because all we see is who we were and who we are. God, on the other hand, already knows what we will become. In this life and in the next. And He knows that the only way we’re going to become it is by His GRACE. His continuing grace. And that’s why He’s wise to give it. I admit that I am truly unworthy of anything from God, but I am so so glad he sees otherwise.
Till next time
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
One of the biggest critiques of the American Church today is that many of them seem to be malnourished. Some would even say it’s our most pressing problem.
When most say this, their focus is usually on the worship experience. That problem we at LCWM just don't have at all. But,from people that I know ,they tell me, they hear “I didn't getting fed.” Or, “I just want some deeper teaching.” From people outside these churches you hear,“too much milk, not enough meat.”
In some cases, I’m sure it just might be true. But I really don’t think that’s the real problem. Yes, I do think American Christians are malnourished. But I don’t believe it has anything to do with milk or meat.
Most American Christians aren’t malnourished because of what they’re getting fed on Sunday at all. They’re malnourished because they don’t feed themselves Monday through Saturday.
So you had filet mignon on Sunday and learned about the union of Christ and the church as it relates to the rapture and the design of the tabernacle in relation to Levitical dietary laws as understood by the Council of Trent. BAM. Good for you. Have fun starving yourself the rest of the week and letting your pastor read the Bible so you don’t have to. WHAT? Did I just call you lazy? YEP and your priorities are in the wrong place bro. or sis.
The crisis facing the church today isn’t what people are getting fed on Sundays. It’s what they’re not feeding themselves the rest of the days. Who really cares whether you consume meat or milk on Sunday if it’s the only meal you have all week?
I’m not saying this to get pastors and churches off the hook. It is the shepherd’s job to feed the sheep (John 21). And feed them well based on their needs and faith development. But it’s also the sheep’s job to eat: Let's look at it like this,ok ?
13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.
Hebrews 5:13-14
See, it's right in the bible, another BAM. Here’s the point. Churches: we have a responsibility. Churches should serve up the Word, hot and fresh every single Sunday. Church Leaders, it is our job to create and sustain processes and systems that responsibly enable people to grow in their faith after receiving Christ. The church and it's leaders should be sharing their philosophy and approach of how they do that. If they don't, then they just might not have a plan or a vision.
People in our churches: you also have a responsibility. If you refuse to study the Word, apply it, pray some during the week, join a small group and dig deeper with others, there’s not much we can do to help you. Your malnourishment won’t be cured by anything we give you on Sunday.
So are you an infant and need milk? Drink it for now, but the only way you’re getting more mature and will be ready for meat is by training yourself. Constantly. Do you want meat?
Spend time with God each and every day and place the correct priorities in their proper places.
till next time, peace
When most say this, their focus is usually on the worship experience. That problem we at LCWM just don't have at all. But,from people that I know ,they tell me, they hear “I didn't getting fed.” Or, “I just want some deeper teaching.” From people outside these churches you hear,“too much milk, not enough meat.”
In some cases, I’m sure it just might be true. But I really don’t think that’s the real problem. Yes, I do think American Christians are malnourished. But I don’t believe it has anything to do with milk or meat.
Most American Christians aren’t malnourished because of what they’re getting fed on Sunday at all. They’re malnourished because they don’t feed themselves Monday through Saturday.
So you had filet mignon on Sunday and learned about the union of Christ and the church as it relates to the rapture and the design of the tabernacle in relation to Levitical dietary laws as understood by the Council of Trent. BAM. Good for you. Have fun starving yourself the rest of the week and letting your pastor read the Bible so you don’t have to. WHAT? Did I just call you lazy? YEP and your priorities are in the wrong place bro. or sis.
The crisis facing the church today isn’t what people are getting fed on Sundays. It’s what they’re not feeding themselves the rest of the days. Who really cares whether you consume meat or milk on Sunday if it’s the only meal you have all week?
I’m not saying this to get pastors and churches off the hook. It is the shepherd’s job to feed the sheep (John 21). And feed them well based on their needs and faith development. But it’s also the sheep’s job to eat: Let's look at it like this,ok ?
13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.
Hebrews 5:13-14
See, it's right in the bible, another BAM. Here’s the point. Churches: we have a responsibility. Churches should serve up the Word, hot and fresh every single Sunday. Church Leaders, it is our job to create and sustain processes and systems that responsibly enable people to grow in their faith after receiving Christ. The church and it's leaders should be sharing their philosophy and approach of how they do that. If they don't, then they just might not have a plan or a vision.
People in our churches: you also have a responsibility. If you refuse to study the Word, apply it, pray some during the week, join a small group and dig deeper with others, there’s not much we can do to help you. Your malnourishment won’t be cured by anything we give you on Sunday.
So are you an infant and need milk? Drink it for now, but the only way you’re getting more mature and will be ready for meat is by training yourself. Constantly. Do you want meat?
Spend time with God each and every day and place the correct priorities in their proper places.
till next time, peace
Sunday, July 10, 2011
It's only time.
Why are people always in a hurry. Running behind as usual. Is life supposed to be this way?
People never enjoying the journey to get to where they are going. All the missed opportunities along the way.
So that begs the question. How do we get so busy that we over book ourselves or we just haven't learned to say no.
Many times in life we say yes to good things and therefore leaving no time to the better things. Eternal things. Things that have eternal rewards.
I remember back not too too long ago and I would say yes to EVERYTHING. Wrong move. It seems like I was about to fall off a cliff and I woke up. Since that day, I ask myself, do I have time for this or not. Ya see, Jesus needed J time "Jesus aka Daddy time" when He needed recharging or just clarity on His Fathers wishes, we call that God's will. I have heard thousand of people say, " I want to be safe right in the middle of God's will for my life". And several times I have asked they did they have any idea of what they just said. After I explained it they were like woo I had no idea. You see, God requires SURRENDER and most if not all of us, are still working on that, I know I am.
So with all this words said so far, I have to ask you these questions. Because the Bible tells us to examine ourselves and YOU probably have not done that in a very long time. So here we go, and i will go from #5 to the top question of #1.
#5 - Do you read your bible daily, maybe even a devotional? Yes /No
#4 - Are you plugged in to local church? I mean INVOLVED, not just sit on the back row and make a fast exit. Yes / No
#3 - Do you pray at least daily? I mean a no selfish prayer and pray for others? Yes / No
#2 - Have you ever accepted Christ as Lord and Savior? Yes / No
#1 - Do you TRULY love Jesus? Yes / No He asked Peter that question multiple times.
If you were honest with your answers, that LIGHT BULB, should have gone off over your head.
So re-evaluate your priorities and give your time and attention to First Jesus, then let good works follow that have eternal meaning.And, if you need eternal things to do, email me at tim@lifechurchconnect.com , I have plenty of ideas to share.
till next time, peace
People never enjoying the journey to get to where they are going. All the missed opportunities along the way.
So that begs the question. How do we get so busy that we over book ourselves or we just haven't learned to say no.
Many times in life we say yes to good things and therefore leaving no time to the better things. Eternal things. Things that have eternal rewards.
I remember back not too too long ago and I would say yes to EVERYTHING. Wrong move. It seems like I was about to fall off a cliff and I woke up. Since that day, I ask myself, do I have time for this or not. Ya see, Jesus needed J time "Jesus aka Daddy time" when He needed recharging or just clarity on His Fathers wishes, we call that God's will. I have heard thousand of people say, " I want to be safe right in the middle of God's will for my life". And several times I have asked they did they have any idea of what they just said. After I explained it they were like woo I had no idea. You see, God requires SURRENDER and most if not all of us, are still working on that, I know I am.
So with all this words said so far, I have to ask you these questions. Because the Bible tells us to examine ourselves and YOU probably have not done that in a very long time. So here we go, and i will go from #5 to the top question of #1.
#5 - Do you read your bible daily, maybe even a devotional? Yes /No
#4 - Are you plugged in to local church? I mean INVOLVED, not just sit on the back row and make a fast exit. Yes / No
#3 - Do you pray at least daily? I mean a no selfish prayer and pray for others? Yes / No
#2 - Have you ever accepted Christ as Lord and Savior? Yes / No
#1 - Do you TRULY love Jesus? Yes / No He asked Peter that question multiple times.
If you were honest with your answers, that LIGHT BULB, should have gone off over your head.
So re-evaluate your priorities and give your time and attention to First Jesus, then let good works follow that have eternal meaning.And, if you need eternal things to do, email me at tim@lifechurchconnect.com , I have plenty of ideas to share.
till next time, peace
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