Thursday, September 28, 2006

M-Pact 2006

As I sit at home on the day after M-Pact. I am totally wore out. So I deceided to answer emails, comments & the like. But I catch myself reflecting over the past 4 days with some incredible stories and some truly amazing worship experiences. Like the consession stand worker who was working his jail time off in the ULM concession stand and came down to the floor & met Christ for the very first time and accepted him as LORD. This list goes on & on & on.
When M-Pact was in it's early "cocoon" stages, we had no idea of how this event would turn out. I admit, we were all a little nervous at going in a totally opposite way than YOUTH IMPACT have ever gone before and we have taken our criticism and "HITS" over it. M-PACT has bridged many gaps that just a few years ago were bigger than the Grand Canyon. But the fact is that THIS YEAR 86 students accepted & met Christ for the very first time. NO ONE can agree with that.
WE have received emails and comments about HIP HOP being NON-Christian & some went to the edge of saying it was EVIL. I say tell that to Toby Mac & KJ52 who have been impacting students for years with the gift of HIP HOP that God gave them....... HIP HOP is not my choice of the music. I prefer to listen to. But say Christ Tomlin, Mercyme and Jeremy Camp & you have my full attention. Just because some one doesn't understand it, does not make it evil.
I don't listen to bluegrass gospel or southern gospel either but I surely don't think it's of Satan either. It all comes down to where are students today, PLUGGED INTO MUSIC and Most aren't coming to church either. So my thoughts are to embrace the idea, go where Jesus did & go against the grain. If it draws students to Christ & that inward change starts to reflect a change in their direction of their lifestyle and their outreach to others, then all I got to say is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
M-Pact 2207 is already in the early planning stages. HIP HOP may slide to the back burner, but my desire to reach students for Christ has gained momentum and NO ONE can ever take that away from me.
Till next time,

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Awesome Worship

Have you ever been given a vision?

Have you ever been given a vision & see it develop right in front of you?

Have you ever been given a vision & did absolutely NOTHIN' to make it happen?

Well that's just a God thing.

About last October, I started daydreaming about ministry. Student Ministry.
This Student Ministry to be more precise. I have probably have more daydreams, night dreams, visions whatever you want to call it in the last 6 months that probably the last 51 years totally wrapped up in one easy package. But here's what I dreamed about, thought about, written about and prayed about.

A Student Ministry that is not large in numbers but LARGE on their calling. Their calling, meaning their call to WORSHIP. Which is what we are all called to do. Last night was the first step of a journey. A journey which began with God. God placing me right here & right now FOR SEVERAL REASONS. Which is a 3 part matter. #1- To weather the storm yet to come(a church without a pastor) and #2- T0 keep the most prized posession this church has INTACT during yet another time of transition. What is this prized posession you may be asking? Well, it is this Student Ministry. Which has been through way to many transitions.
#3- To lead Students to the real meaning of what it means to be called a "Christian" and to insure their knowledge of the Gospels while Worshiping God with our daily lives.
The first two I'll personally take care of with the help of Derrick, Cristi, Heather, Josh and a few others. #3- Is where the meat and potatoes are.

I see just down the road ahead a different Hope Student Ministry. One that will "draw" Students not only for the Wednesday night messages that actually mean something. But for a true WORSHIP Experinece that is so XTREME that you are "wore out" when it's over.
A Worship Experience that goes beyond what most Students have ever experienced.
But to accomplish this STUDENTS have to be willing to "serve" and that all starts with prayer.
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, September 15, 2006

A new chapter begins !!!!

"Life is all about change. It's how we accept that change that determines our future path".
"Life is all about choices. Some choose poorly, but some lsten to wisdom & choose wisely".

Have you ever heard me say these things before?
I say them for a reason.
I don't want you to make the same stupid mistakes I made growing up.
Why? Simply because I care.
ENUF SAID about that.

Now for the meat & the potatoes of the reason for the blog.
Two things came out of my message on Wednesday Night.
#1- We all have GIFTS for God & we are expected to use them. If we don't we will have to answer to God one day for not using them.
#2- Why do you come to church?
Do you come just to hang out with your peeps?
Do you come to get away from a troubled home life?
Do you come thirsting for TRUTH?
Most people from middle school through adulthood simply don't believe there is 100% TRUTH.
TRUTH is found in one guy. Jesus Christ.
So why do we come to church anyway?
If you don't don't have the answer to that, then you need to be plugged in somewhere and fixing that problem.
We come to church to learn, to grow, to fellowship, to listen, to talk, to encourgae, to give hope, to connect and to humble ourselves before the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE, God.
Going to church is playing church. A very favorite famous quote of mine goes like this,
"We should be worshiping coming to church, instead of coming to church to worship".
Romans 12:1 talks about a living sacrifice.
That verse is talking to you & to me.
In a few weeks, during the Wednesday Night Student Service, we call Common Ground, I want us to start examining ourselves. Start looking on the inside to see what is changing on the outside.
Worship is many things to many different people.
For example: Coming to corporate worship.
Why is it always about the music?
Why is it always about, I didn't get much outta that preaching!
That message didn't do me any good today !
Why do people sit as far back in the church as they can get?

I know I just stepped on a few toes, it won't hurt long.
My point is this. There are 168 hours in a week. How much of that time are you giving to God in some way or another and how much are we making up excuses why we either didn't come or what we did or didn't like about something, including the corporate worship.
GUYS, its NEVER ABOUT US. It never has & it never will be. I like most every bit of worship or Christian music that exist (except for about 3) that I just don't relate to, but I still think if it glorifies God, I'm ok with it.
It's not about a certain kind of music, it's not about a pastor or a student minister, it's about that very special relationship with Christ that drives us. If you are lacking that aspect of your life then you my friend are living toward a dead end road.
There should be some " COMMON GROUND" where we as the body of Christ can mutually come together & focus for at least 1 hour a week on HIM & NOT on our minor differences.
It's about HIM, not us.

In Christ,

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Have you ever been going 5 different directions & never going anywhere?

I guess what makes someone sit up & pay attention, is that no matter what you
do or how much you put into something, some people just don't get it.
I guess in a way it really doesn't matter to some but it does to me, so YES IT DOES MATTER.

You can plan and talk it up & put it all on a web site. You can print up posters & flyers and do all the right stuff that leaders are suppossed to do, but sometimes they just don't get it.
Frustrated, not really. I feel sad that a fellowship that could have gone deeper didn't. It didn't
because of the world's pull on today's students. For example last night. An amazing night of bonding with other students from other churches and other denominatons. A small but incredible group of middle school girls came & were blessed because they came.
There are SOOOOOOOOO many things going on in students heads these days it's amazing. School, homework, dancing, gymnastics, band practice, dating and relationships much less the jobs to buy the car & the insurance so we can all go faster & faster. Jesus is hardly on the Interstate but He is at the rest stops along life's highway and when we can take the time to stop, He is calmy waiting to talk about where you are in life. Sometimes you've got to slow down to grow.
It's never about us but ALWAYS about HIM.

Till next time,

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day

Here in the US today it is Labor Day. A day of rest to honor those who work. A day to reflect on the impact their effort makes on the country.

However, this holiday did not begin in America... God created a weekly "labor day."

Exodus 34:21"Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest."

It was a day to reflect on God's provision and to show faith in him. In that time people didn't get paid weekly or monthly. They got paid daily. A day of no work meant a day of no pay. A day of no pay meant a day of no food. Unless they trusted God to "give us this day our daily bread."

Are we trusting our effort and energy, or trusting God? Do we put more faith in our talents and abilities or in the ONE who gave us those skills?

Take time to thank God for the way he created you and for income you receive from those talents.