Bring the Rain
I love that new Mercyme song "Bring the rain". It got be thinking and the following is what comes from being alone with God.
I watched “Facing the Giants” again a few days ago. The lead in the movie is a high school football coach whose job is on the line after yet another losing season. He has all kind of issues at both school and home, and he finds himself losing faith and questioning what God is doing, and why his prayers for success both on and off the field are seemingly going unanswered.
I love this one scene, when a man comes to visit the coach in his office. He shares with the coach a parable of two farmers who both prayed for rain, yet only one went out and prepared his field to receive the rain. Which farmer asked the man, do you suppose showed more faith? It was the one who took action in preparing to receive what he asked for.
That particular scene made me think about how often I pray for something but do not prepare myself or my heart to receive it. Part of that preparation often involves me waiting on God's timing, which is something that I struggle with. My prayers may sometimes be timid, as if I'm afraid to ask God for something really big because I'm afraid He won't come through. I don't think it's that I doubt that He CAN come through, but rather, that He desires to come through for me. I suppose experiencing heartbreak over the past couple of years has contributed to this being sometimes timid at times…… Hmmmmmmm
So I started questioning myself just like I would question a student.
Tim, how can you expect your faith to strengthen if you do not allow God the opportunity to work in a mighty way?
What you TIM COATS need to do is pray more boldly, and to act more boldly, in circumstances where God calls YOU to act.
YOU need to not only pray, but prepare for the rain as well.
With that being said, here’s my closing thoughts to you, the internet reader out there in hyper-space somewhere.
1. How are you preparing for the rain in your life?
2. How are you helping others prepare for the rain in their lives?
3. Do you ever become timid in your prayer life?
4. How do you think God really feels about being timid?
5. What are you actually afraid of, SUCCESS or scared of failing?
Wooooooo God fail, that will never happen. So what do you have to loose?
Till next time,
Romans 5:1