Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why I do the Things that I do.

I often have an experience that leaves me scratching my head and wondering if I'm a lunatic for devoting my entire adult life to the cause of student ministry.
When this happens, the Holy Spirit almost always gently hits me over the head with a baseball bat and reminds me why student ministry is worth the effort. The effort that I often times simply fail to put in. This past Wednesday night, I delivered one of those "IN YOUR FACE" type messages in our Wednesday Night "Common Ground Service. I did it for two reasons, #1- The Holy Spirit got in my face and #2- I passed it on to show students that I have struggles just like they have struggles and because I want to be obedient, which means doing some things that I really don't like to do or say. Hopefully. the Spirit will move and grow because of this message.
Then I started thinking about our student ministry from the BIG PICTURE viewpoint. This is what I came up with and I felt like I just wanted to share.
Our student ministry give students a place to belong. Our student ministry builds community. It creates a safe place for questions to be asked and struggles to be shared. Our student ministry builds and strengthens friendships. It allows students to be known. It help students build relationships with adults who really care. It creates awesome memories.
It allows students to laugh when they want to laugh and cry when they need to cry. I truly feel that our student ministry can be the backbone of an environment in which the most life-change happens. Student Ministry is a lot of work, but it is so worth the effort.
