A few days ago, I saw & heard Rick Warren pray in front of billions of people at the inaguaration. I felt I heard language reaching out to many different people groups. I heard him receite the Shem and the Lord's prayer along with other words that seemed to reach out to people of many varying lifestyles as well. Then I heard what I had hoped he would say, Jesus. Many people talk about God and the words just seem to fill their soul for a second, but mention the name of JESUS and it seems as if you have turned the light switch from dim to bright. From being passive to down right "IN YOUR FACE". Then Rick expressed the inclusiveness of Jesus and the fact that there is only one way to Jesus. Nor does it exclude the fact that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Rick didn't mentioned it but it is true that the Bible calls idol worship, pride, greed and adultery as well ......sin, but that appears to be the problem most have with him and others like him and with me.
It's not Rick Warren some people have problems with, it's God's word. Just look at 2 Timothy, the Bible says clearly that there will come a time when people don't want to hear the truth. They just want to hear things that would tickle their ears. I have seen in the past few years, where people just do not want to offend others. Look, the teachings of Jesus were TOUGH. "Let the dead bury their own dead". "Give up EVERYTHING and follow me". We seem to all have a long way to go. But, sin is what it is SIN, but the awesome thing about Jesus Christ is that although we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, there is forgivness of sin because of the selfless gift Jesus gave us on that cross.Rick was bold in his words, but can easily back them up with biblical references each and every time, which is where his strength come from, God's word. So do we accept some of the bible and reject the other.
Do we accept God is Great & God is good and merciful and kind and forgiving but reject the WRATH that is YET TO COME and reject Jesus is the only way (John 14:6)?
till next time,
peace I leave with you
romans 5:1