Monday, October 19, 2009


Within in the next couple of years, if not already, this next generation is going to go through a Major Burnout. Some of you can already identify with what I mean, but for others consider this: go through how many commercials, Facebook invites, Twitter messages, church events or global campaigns you’ve been asked to contribute to in just the last day, week or month. Tons right!?! < ENOUGH ALREADY >

Everyday in ministry, I hear about very real needs, I see images from parts of the world where people are hurting, I hear how basic things like shoes, water and medicine can be such a huge help. These things, this pain and the hurt of others I see causes pain in me even if from thousands of miles away and it is happening multiple times a day. After a while it starts to feel like emotional torture and of the 5 or so billion people on the planet, it is estimated that over 1.5 billion of them have no way of hearing about Jesus before they die.

Even worse I can’t keep up with them all. They all seem important and urgent, so I give $5 bucks here, I sponsor a kid and buy shoes to give away, I give to missions and I feel the meaning to the word "pain and suffering". I feel and see it around me more than ever before. In the midst of that I hear how I have a purpose, a meaning, a calling to do something to change the world but what do I chose, where do I commit, which is the sacrifice I make?

For me I’ve noticed that I have started to just back off and see all the “asks” as marketing and interruptions. I want to fast-forward through them like we do now with commercials during shows and football games. But that isn’t the right response either, God wants our hearts full, connected and aware of the people around us.

I don’t have a fix or formula at all. This is something that is heavy on my heart daily. All I have are questions and realizations that I keep chewing on in my heart about this new age where we are instantly and globally connected as individuals. I’ve listed a couple below, but I’d love to hear if you see something similar and what God is teaching your heart as we seek to leave God’s mark on the world for now and for the next generation.

Being so connected in this information age can deceive me more than ever that I can play God. I can be focused on causes just as much from pride as a servant’s heart.
My only source of meaning and purpose that satisfies comes from God, not from what I do.

So if loving God doesn’t feel like it is enough, then where am I trying to find meaning? and do I really even love him?
We serve out of obedience because of our deep love of God and how his heart has changed ours.

So where do I go and what do I do when I get there?

Time will tell and the Spirit will prompt. That I am assured of.

till next time<
Romans 5:1

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So What Do I Do Now ??????

I was asked just last week where I get words to write for my blog. But each and every Week, I get questions and with questions comes thoughts and meditation, etc. With all that rolled together, the words just kinda flow and I really don't spend lots of hours agonizing of it. Maybe 10-15 minutes. A prolific writer I am not. But I do like to write down thoughts and just share with who ever reads this blog and maybe strike a spark in someone and allow them to reflect on what is MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE. So here we go !!!!

Let’s be honest. Isn’t it easier to give your life to Christ ONCE than to live for Christ every day ?

In today’s society you will find people that claim to be Christians, but very few of them are “followers of Christ”. WHY? Well, I thought about that question for some time before I ever came to this conclusion. I think some people make their salvation decision a one-time experience and not as a lifetime commitment.

God doesn’t want you to bow your head, raise your hand, and pray a prayer. Knowing God is an ongoing 365/24/7 lifetime commitment. Think about it like this. Let’s say you just graduated college and found your future spouse and got married, but after the wedding you never spoke to her again and to top that, your commitment was then to something or someone else. Would that be considered a REAL marriage? NO.

Your marriage should have been a top priority. Just like a marriage, you have to communicate with each other. God hears the prayers of his children but you have to talk to him. I know your thinking WOW, I can talk to creator of the universe and He will listen to ME.
Guess what? You just went from knowing about God to KNOWING GOD. You just went from religion to a relationship and THAT IS WHAT GOD WANTS MOST.

Having been in student ministry for quite a while, I used to get (and still do)get e-mails or phone calls from students who say, they made the commitment to Christ but they feel like they are slipping away from God after a period of time. That happens to lots of people (clergy included), so YOU are not alone. The problem is that many students made their commitment based on emotion and NOT from an understanding of what it means to be BORN AGAIN. That also happens when evangelism is more about the number of members in a church than in making disciples.

Christ wants us to move past the basics of faith and really fall into the deeper things of God. Paul had to really jump down hard on the Corinthian church because they would never move beyond milk and into the meat. They were stuck on the basics and were content not to move beyond that point. If you never move you’ll never get closer to God. It’s just like playing football, you will never get better till you try and give out effort.

God is calling you to go beyond the average. So, how do you get there?
1- Push yourself deeper into prayer and the word. Increase that 5 minute quiet time to 15-30 minutes. Increase the amount you read and the way you APPLY God’s teaching to your life.
2- Hang around other fellow Christians. People that will help you grow.
3- Share what God has done in your life with those around you.
4- Get more plugged into your church. Don’t just attend when those “special events” come around. Really get involved.
5- Make another commitment to go deeper in ONE area of your life each month.

If you are truly committed, God will be there. He is here today & will be here tomorrow. You are the only thing that is missing.
If you still aren’t sure what to do, call me, text me, facebook me, or even send me a snail mail letter (postal service).

Till next time,
May the Holy Spirit draw you closer to the Father who is Everlasting,
All Powerful, All Knowing, All Merciful and just plain old cares about YOU.

Romans 5:1