Wednesday, August 23, 2006

TC's Blog

TC's Blog
Have you ever had a day when you just didn't want to get up? You knew you had to eventually, but you kept hitting the snooze button on your worst enemy, your alarm clock. Well, today was that kinda day for me. For the past two nights, I am wide awake at 3am. Why that time, I just don't have a clue.But in the past, God is usually trying to tell me something,and he always uses the quiet still of the night to tell me something. What that something is I still don't have a clue. I struggle to listen & I hear nothing. I keep asking myself why is this happening at 3am. I pondered on that question and came to the realization that my heart was just not right to receive it. God probably knows that something is just not
right. When I will be ready to receive, I just don't have a clue.
But I have a strong feeling that it EVERYTHING to do with being toooooo buzy. I try to do too much for one person, therefore reducing my times of quiet reflection in where God wants & needs me. So since school has now strated and the days are slowly starting to get shorter, I am going to learn how to say NO to a few things & just slow down. Maybe that's the ticket to a less cluttered mind and a more peacful lifestyle. Hey, Jesus knew when to back off & if he could , why can't I.
Time will tell.
Peace out

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