Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day!!!

Another Monday rolls around. I caught myself daydreaming today. I was looking back to look forward....... "What did he just say?...... Well, in other words, I was thinking what road this student ministry is traveling on right now. So many times I see incredible students who come to church everytime the doors are open. Then they get their drivers liscense & their first car & then their first job and then they get involved in everything under the sun from school clubs and organizations to dancing groups and the like. Then all of a sudden I wake up one day & in Sunday bible study the number has slowly trickeled down to way to few to mention. The one time mighty army of incredible Jesus warriors has been swallowed by the world & are totally wore out from trying to work & do eveything under the sun PLUS a very tough school curriculum that you couldn't drag them out of bed with a wrecker on Sunday morning to do anything else but sleep.
I know where I'm coming from, so just bare with me & don't get a wedgie just yet.
Why should you get up on Sunday morning? That question I will just leave you hanging on for a bit. Like I have said countless times before, I start to get ready for Sunday morning on Saturday afternoon. I want all the clutter out of the way. That's just my way of being obedient.
I found an old student ministry planner book from about 5 years ago a few weeks back. I gazed with eager anticipation to reflect on some great memories and things we did. But to my surprize, it didnt have much stuff written down in it. But I did remember a few things. So I started to ponder on what I saw & realized something. Maybe we are doing too much & wearing out meeting together & everyone is getting tired of coming to church to play dodge ball & watch movies & play Christian Guard & cells groups & iron man & golden girls (may they rest in peace) much less Common Ground and Sunday bible study & oh yes CORPORATE WORSHIP, Lord help. I looked at other peeps web sites & saw an average amount of activities. So maybe we are just doing tooooooooo much stuff. Even when I offer a really good Discipleship class that will CHALLENGE YOU TO GROW IN CHRIST, only 1 person signed up. That was depressing. But I admire the one who did sign up. That person said that they knew that they needed to dig into God's word to be able to better share what they had found in Christ with others. THUMBS UP to AR.
I was looking forward to about 8 to10 students who I thought would sign up, to really experience God up close & personal with this discipleship material. Oh, well. I was told many years ago that I was only the messenger & that it was the Holy Spirit's job to convict to heart. So with that being said I will go back to my earlier statement.
Why do students so easily fall away from ther first love, Jesus. The blame falls on us. The leaders of this ministry & every student ministry on the planet. It is our job to do everything we can to encourage & to build up students who have such a strong conviction that nothing & I mean nothing can block their obedience to Christ. That by it's own actions of just being at student ministry functions means that they support this ministry and all it has to offer. Good & Bad. REGARDLESS.

To be able to do more & equip more requires three things
#1- Dedicated ministry workers
#2- Financial resources
#3- The Holy Spirit
not necessarily in that order.

The workers are few.
The resources are very limited.
But the Holy Spirit is so willing.
But it's all a matter of choice.

Till Next Tim, err Next Time haha


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