When I look back at where Christmas all started, I see something simple, something humbling, peace, joy and most of all, love. It’s because of God’s love for us that the Christmas story even exists. I see a place that looks like a barnyard and some smelly shepherds as they watched God's greatest miracle happen, while the world sleeps the night away. But as I looked around just today, Christmas has become the busiest time of the year. People fight over toys, Wal-Mart employees get trampled by crazed people looking for a deal, and what's in it for ME is today's standard. Our every thought is consumed by each house having the most lights on it , sending out cards so everyone can see how wonderful your family is (right), buying the best gifts, and if your a parent, making sure the kids get some cool toys. How different do these two scenes seem to ya? How in the word did we get so far away ?
Strangely enough, Christ came to redeem that which was lost. His focus was never on Himself. His desires were always to obey the Father and save all of humanity. The church that started in the book of Acts was focused on telling others about Jesus and serving their neighbors and their communities. People living real authentic lives and openness flourished. Living and sharing life together in good times and in bad. People chose to sacrifice for the good of others, freely giving up things that they once held tightly. People today often seem too inwardly focused. We argue over absolutely meaningless and very stupid topics while people are hurting. Families are falling apart. So how did we get so far from what God intended?
I think we need to be looking at the world through the eye's of God. Let me retract that, I KNOW we need to have God’s view of the world. We can look around and justify everything that we do with words, but God’s offer of redemption is open to everyone. Christ did not die for some, but for everybody. Christ allows us to be a light in a very dark world. Sadly enough, most choose to keep that a lid on it when it comes to even mentioning the name of JESUS !!!
HIS mission is not complete if we are not involved in some way - some how. I've been in ministry long enough to see opportunities are everywhere, especially NOW . Even with the economy in a downward spiral, how about giving of your time. Find a family, a single mom, an adolescent 6th grade boy that can't sit still for a hundred bucks, but who is hurting because he has no one to call dad and show them some Christmas love, God's love. Buy food for a local food pantry or for your church and help feed families or someone during this holiday season. Do what Christ did and make a sacrifice. Give away something you don’t need to help someone in need. God gave us a gift. Won't you share it with someone?
till next time,
peace be with you
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Within in the next couple of years, if not already, this next generation is going to go through a Major Burnout. Some of you can already identify with what I mean, but for others consider this: go through how many commercials, Facebook invites, Twitter messages, church events or global campaigns you’ve been asked to contribute to in just the last day, week or month. Tons right!?! < ENOUGH ALREADY >
Everyday in ministry, I hear about very real needs, I see images from parts of the world where people are hurting, I hear how basic things like shoes, water and medicine can be such a huge help. These things, this pain and the hurt of others I see causes pain in me even if from thousands of miles away and it is happening multiple times a day. After a while it starts to feel like emotional torture and of the 5 or so billion people on the planet, it is estimated that over 1.5 billion of them have no way of hearing about Jesus before they die.
Even worse I can’t keep up with them all. They all seem important and urgent, so I give $5 bucks here, I sponsor a kid and buy shoes to give away, I give to missions and I feel the meaning to the word "pain and suffering". I feel and see it around me more than ever before. In the midst of that I hear how I have a purpose, a meaning, a calling to do something to change the world but what do I chose, where do I commit, which is the sacrifice I make?
For me I’ve noticed that I have started to just back off and see all the “asks” as marketing and interruptions. I want to fast-forward through them like we do now with commercials during shows and football games. But that isn’t the right response either, God wants our hearts full, connected and aware of the people around us.
I don’t have a fix or formula at all. This is something that is heavy on my heart daily. All I have are questions and realizations that I keep chewing on in my heart about this new age where we are instantly and globally connected as individuals. I’ve listed a couple below, but I’d love to hear if you see something similar and what God is teaching your heart as we seek to leave God’s mark on the world for now and for the next generation.
Being so connected in this information age can deceive me more than ever that I can play God. I can be focused on causes just as much from pride as a servant’s heart.
My only source of meaning and purpose that satisfies comes from God, not from what I do.
So if loving God doesn’t feel like it is enough, then where am I trying to find meaning? and do I really even love him?
We serve out of obedience because of our deep love of God and how his heart has changed ours.
So where do I go and what do I do when I get there?
Time will tell and the Spirit will prompt. That I am assured of.
till next time<
Romans 5:1
Everyday in ministry, I hear about very real needs, I see images from parts of the world where people are hurting, I hear how basic things like shoes, water and medicine can be such a huge help. These things, this pain and the hurt of others I see causes pain in me even if from thousands of miles away and it is happening multiple times a day. After a while it starts to feel like emotional torture and of the 5 or so billion people on the planet, it is estimated that over 1.5 billion of them have no way of hearing about Jesus before they die.
Even worse I can’t keep up with them all. They all seem important and urgent, so I give $5 bucks here, I sponsor a kid and buy shoes to give away, I give to missions and I feel the meaning to the word "pain and suffering". I feel and see it around me more than ever before. In the midst of that I hear how I have a purpose, a meaning, a calling to do something to change the world but what do I chose, where do I commit, which is the sacrifice I make?
For me I’ve noticed that I have started to just back off and see all the “asks” as marketing and interruptions. I want to fast-forward through them like we do now with commercials during shows and football games. But that isn’t the right response either, God wants our hearts full, connected and aware of the people around us.
I don’t have a fix or formula at all. This is something that is heavy on my heart daily. All I have are questions and realizations that I keep chewing on in my heart about this new age where we are instantly and globally connected as individuals. I’ve listed a couple below, but I’d love to hear if you see something similar and what God is teaching your heart as we seek to leave God’s mark on the world for now and for the next generation.
Being so connected in this information age can deceive me more than ever that I can play God. I can be focused on causes just as much from pride as a servant’s heart.
My only source of meaning and purpose that satisfies comes from God, not from what I do.
So if loving God doesn’t feel like it is enough, then where am I trying to find meaning? and do I really even love him?
We serve out of obedience because of our deep love of God and how his heart has changed ours.
So where do I go and what do I do when I get there?
Time will tell and the Spirit will prompt. That I am assured of.
till next time<
Romans 5:1
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So What Do I Do Now ??????
I was asked just last week where I get words to write for my blog. But each and every Week, I get questions and with questions comes thoughts and meditation, etc. With all that rolled together, the words just kinda flow and I really don't spend lots of hours agonizing of it. Maybe 10-15 minutes. A prolific writer I am not. But I do like to write down thoughts and just share with who ever reads this blog and maybe strike a spark in someone and allow them to reflect on what is MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE. So here we go !!!!
Let’s be honest. Isn’t it easier to give your life to Christ ONCE than to live for Christ every day ?
In today’s society you will find people that claim to be Christians, but very few of them are “followers of Christ”. WHY? Well, I thought about that question for some time before I ever came to this conclusion. I think some people make their salvation decision a one-time experience and not as a lifetime commitment.
God doesn’t want you to bow your head, raise your hand, and pray a prayer. Knowing God is an ongoing 365/24/7 lifetime commitment. Think about it like this. Let’s say you just graduated college and found your future spouse and got married, but after the wedding you never spoke to her again and to top that, your commitment was then to something or someone else. Would that be considered a REAL marriage? NO.
Your marriage should have been a top priority. Just like a marriage, you have to communicate with each other. God hears the prayers of his children but you have to talk to him. I know your thinking WOW, I can talk to creator of the universe and He will listen to ME.
Guess what? You just went from knowing about God to KNOWING GOD. You just went from religion to a relationship and THAT IS WHAT GOD WANTS MOST.
Having been in student ministry for quite a while, I used to get (and still do)get e-mails or phone calls from students who say, they made the commitment to Christ but they feel like they are slipping away from God after a period of time. That happens to lots of people (clergy included), so YOU are not alone. The problem is that many students made their commitment based on emotion and NOT from an understanding of what it means to be BORN AGAIN. That also happens when evangelism is more about the number of members in a church than in making disciples.
Christ wants us to move past the basics of faith and really fall into the deeper things of God. Paul had to really jump down hard on the Corinthian church because they would never move beyond milk and into the meat. They were stuck on the basics and were content not to move beyond that point. If you never move you’ll never get closer to God. It’s just like playing football, you will never get better till you try and give out effort.
God is calling you to go beyond the average. So, how do you get there?
1- Push yourself deeper into prayer and the word. Increase that 5 minute quiet time to 15-30 minutes. Increase the amount you read and the way you APPLY God’s teaching to your life.
2- Hang around other fellow Christians. People that will help you grow.
3- Share what God has done in your life with those around you.
4- Get more plugged into your church. Don’t just attend when those “special events” come around. Really get involved.
5- Make another commitment to go deeper in ONE area of your life each month.
If you are truly committed, God will be there. He is here today & will be here tomorrow. You are the only thing that is missing.
If you still aren’t sure what to do, call me, text me, facebook me, or even send me a snail mail letter (postal service).
Till next time,
May the Holy Spirit draw you closer to the Father who is Everlasting,
All Powerful, All Knowing, All Merciful and just plain old cares about YOU.
Romans 5:1
Let’s be honest. Isn’t it easier to give your life to Christ ONCE than to live for Christ every day ?
In today’s society you will find people that claim to be Christians, but very few of them are “followers of Christ”. WHY? Well, I thought about that question for some time before I ever came to this conclusion. I think some people make their salvation decision a one-time experience and not as a lifetime commitment.
God doesn’t want you to bow your head, raise your hand, and pray a prayer. Knowing God is an ongoing 365/24/7 lifetime commitment. Think about it like this. Let’s say you just graduated college and found your future spouse and got married, but after the wedding you never spoke to her again and to top that, your commitment was then to something or someone else. Would that be considered a REAL marriage? NO.
Your marriage should have been a top priority. Just like a marriage, you have to communicate with each other. God hears the prayers of his children but you have to talk to him. I know your thinking WOW, I can talk to creator of the universe and He will listen to ME.
Guess what? You just went from knowing about God to KNOWING GOD. You just went from religion to a relationship and THAT IS WHAT GOD WANTS MOST.
Having been in student ministry for quite a while, I used to get (and still do)get e-mails or phone calls from students who say, they made the commitment to Christ but they feel like they are slipping away from God after a period of time. That happens to lots of people (clergy included), so YOU are not alone. The problem is that many students made their commitment based on emotion and NOT from an understanding of what it means to be BORN AGAIN. That also happens when evangelism is more about the number of members in a church than in making disciples.
Christ wants us to move past the basics of faith and really fall into the deeper things of God. Paul had to really jump down hard on the Corinthian church because they would never move beyond milk and into the meat. They were stuck on the basics and were content not to move beyond that point. If you never move you’ll never get closer to God. It’s just like playing football, you will never get better till you try and give out effort.
God is calling you to go beyond the average. So, how do you get there?
1- Push yourself deeper into prayer and the word. Increase that 5 minute quiet time to 15-30 minutes. Increase the amount you read and the way you APPLY God’s teaching to your life.
2- Hang around other fellow Christians. People that will help you grow.
3- Share what God has done in your life with those around you.
4- Get more plugged into your church. Don’t just attend when those “special events” come around. Really get involved.
5- Make another commitment to go deeper in ONE area of your life each month.
If you are truly committed, God will be there. He is here today & will be here tomorrow. You are the only thing that is missing.
If you still aren’t sure what to do, call me, text me, facebook me, or even send me a snail mail letter (postal service).
Till next time,
May the Holy Spirit draw you closer to the Father who is Everlasting,
All Powerful, All Knowing, All Merciful and just plain old cares about YOU.
Romans 5:1
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Our Message should NEVER CHANGE but Our Methods Must Change.

Sometimes God just jumps all over me. He stretches me and makes me step outside my comfort zone. Sometimes, I end up in places doing things that I Never EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT. A few months back, I left my church home where I had been for over 30 years. God was stretching me then and continues to stretch and mold me into what he wants me to be today. Just a couple weeks ago, I found myself being stretched again and was led to partner and use what I have learned in life with another ministry I believe in and have watched for several years.
Now let me say this. Being plugged in to a local body of believers is VITAL to your spiritual growth and accountability. There is nothing warmer or more friendly than getting a handshake and a hug from your pastor and his wife and seeing good friends that share your same beliefs. NOTHING on the planet can ever come close. But, sometimes people just won't step inside a church building. They have been burned, been looked down on whatever the reason why. So, I strongly believe we have to meet people where they are and leave our comfort world and just GO. Sometimes GO, doesn't mean GO at all. Sometimes GO, means going to them by whatever means it takes to get us there. That's why our fellow arc church Lifechurch.tv started having their church service broadcast over the internet. Church Online has been a huge success and reaches thousands each and every week using the internet as it's platform.
One of the advantages of attending a church online is the ability to stay anonymous. No one is going to judge you because of your skin color, your weight, your style of dress (or lack there of), or the zit on your face that won’t shut up.
So if you don’t feel comfortable in a church online, you simply click on the little ‘x’ & move on. I have found that most people who are hurting & struggling with a deep, dark secret will not step foot in a normal church. It can seem socially awkward. They may not have good clean clothes to wear or better yet a "suit" to wear. But they will go to an online church experience because a) no one will even know they are there and b) it just takes one click to leave if things get weird.
Sometimes, the links that people click on has revealed exactly what people are searching for when they click on the link to come to church online and church online can ‘see’ into their hearts & know where they are hurting and it is very dark.
So with al that being said, I am currently a chat host in one or the worship experiences. My time is for Saturday night at 9:30pm. So if you ever get to visit church online and it happens to be the Saturday night 9:30 experience and you see the chat room box being very active, it will probably be me giving viewers hope and encouragement.
Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light for the world! Follow me, and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life”. How cool is it to use an unconventional tool like church online to share with those hurting that there is a God that loves us more than we can imagine that desires to restore our souls? There is hope. And ‘this hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls’ (Hebrews 6:19).
AGAIN, any church online will absolutely NEVER NEVER NEVER replace the fellowship and encouragement of attending a local body of believers and being plugged into what I call my " FAITH FAMILY ". I SERIOUSLY LOVE where God has me and at Life Church West Monroe.
till next time,
Romans 5:1
Sunday, September 06, 2009
What I have learned in Life so Far
I've learned....
That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
That just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.
That having your son fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
That being kind is more important than being right.
That you should never say "no" to a gift from a child or God.
That money doesn't buy class. That has to be earned.
That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.
That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs to act goofy ever so often.
That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
That simple game of “catch” with my father during summer nights years ago did wonders for me as an adult.
That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
That it's those small daily happenings that make life so incredible.
That under everyone's hard outside is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. Why should I think I can?
That sometime ignoring the facts does not change the facts.
That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. Let God will deal with them later.
That love, not time, heals all wounds.
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.
That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
That life is tough, but I'm tougher.
That opportunities are never lost, someone will take the ones you miss.
That when you keep bitterness locked up inside, happiness will dock elsewhere. So let it go.
That I wish I could have told my Mom & Dad that I love them one more time before they passed away.
That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.
That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
The devil's greatest trick is making humanity think that he really doesn't exist.
Faith is like a river, the more you stay in the middle the safer you are.
Sin is like a vacuum cleaner, the closer you get the stronger it pulls.
Live in the moment , and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering .
Life is never boring unless you decide to quit changing.
What would happen if just for ONE DAY. we focused our actions on helping people rather than on oursleves. Would the world explode. Probably not, but our hearts probably would.
When you truly love students, they return more than you give.
When the calling of God is scary, we lead by reminding the people of God that Jesus did not come to make us safe. He came to make us brave through FAITH. He ask us to just step across the street because we don't realize what isn't a part of our daily lives, we ignore it, sometimes we don't want to see it."
That when you're in love with Jesus , it shows.
till next time,
Romans 5:1
That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
That just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.
That having your son fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
That being kind is more important than being right.
That you should never say "no" to a gift from a child or God.
That money doesn't buy class. That has to be earned.
That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.
That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs to act goofy ever so often.
That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
That simple game of “catch” with my father during summer nights years ago did wonders for me as an adult.
That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
That it's those small daily happenings that make life so incredible.
That under everyone's hard outside is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. Why should I think I can?
That sometime ignoring the facts does not change the facts.
That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. Let God will deal with them later.
That love, not time, heals all wounds.
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.
That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
That life is tough, but I'm tougher.
That opportunities are never lost, someone will take the ones you miss.
That when you keep bitterness locked up inside, happiness will dock elsewhere. So let it go.
That I wish I could have told my Mom & Dad that I love them one more time before they passed away.
That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.
That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
The devil's greatest trick is making humanity think that he really doesn't exist.
Faith is like a river, the more you stay in the middle the safer you are.
Sin is like a vacuum cleaner, the closer you get the stronger it pulls.
Live in the moment , and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering .
Life is never boring unless you decide to quit changing.
What would happen if just for ONE DAY. we focused our actions on helping people rather than on oursleves. Would the world explode. Probably not, but our hearts probably would.
When you truly love students, they return more than you give.
When the calling of God is scary, we lead by reminding the people of God that Jesus did not come to make us safe. He came to make us brave through FAITH. He ask us to just step across the street because we don't realize what isn't a part of our daily lives, we ignore it, sometimes we don't want to see it."
That when you're in love with Jesus , it shows.
till next time,
Romans 5:1
Saturday, August 22, 2009

I woke up early this morning just starving to ride on my Motorcycle in the "cooler" morning air. I ended up in Vicksburg and rode thru the National Battlefield Park. An incredible day all by myself to ride up and down the slops while diving into the cooler valleys and sunshine hilltops. Near the end of the battlefield drive is the cemetary. I always have to stop and pay my respects to the soliders that died there for something that they believed in. It made me look at where I am and caused me to ask myself the question "What I have I died for today?" NOT MUCH was my answer. I thought about that question a lot today and hope to keep thinking about it for a long time.
To suffer is to gain and to die is gain.
till next time.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dating / Hanging Out

Guys - This One is for YOU !!
Something scares you. It’s not terrorism, economic recession, global warming, or gasoline prices that could hit 10 bucks per gallon by the time you’re done reading this. These things might worry you, but something else makes your palms sweat and your pulse hit triple digits: asking someone out on a date.
That’s because asking someone out involves potential pain. If the object of your affection becomes aware of your intentions, he or she might not reciprocate, and that’s going to hurt. I don’t care if you’re the most self-confident, well-adjusted person around; rejection hurts.OUCH !!! It makes anyremaining friendship awkward at best, humiliating at worst. Revealing romantic feelings is a risky business, RIGHT?
Many people find a way around the risk. Or at least they think they do. Instead of asking someone out on a date and being bold in their intentions, they turn to the soggy alternative to dating: “let's just hang out.”
So here's the deal: You like someone but you’re afraid to let him or her know. So instead of asking the person on a date, you go on approximations of dates that allow for softer denial of all romantic intentions. You study together. You exercise together. You find some really lame excuses to call, text, and e-mail. Worst of all, you engage in the most stupid of conversations and great abys of non-dates—going to coffee. This just has the trappings of a date dude — a cozy place with a cold glass of tea, a good atmosphere with music — while allowing everyone involved in our immediate space is actually on a date. Fear of YOU suffering rejection alone has resulted in the "Starbucks" mental;ity. It's just coffee. SURE IT IS.
People suffer through this in the hope that the object of their affection will eventually buckle and reveal his or her true feelings. They wait and watch. They keep making up excuses to hang out while waiting for God to give them a SIGN. If you’ve been down this road before, you know that it’s seldom successful. You remain stuck in the “friend zone,” which is "relationship purgatory of sorts" if you have a crush on someone.
Are We Dating or Not?
Look, I may not be the youngets guy on the block but I will put it on th eline that I know what Christian females are looking for. The biggest complaint I know of from Christian women was that Christian men weren’t assertive enough. They described men who drove them crazy by calling and hanging around while never asking them out on a real date. They said that it was exhausting trying to figure out which guys liked them versus which guys liked them. So let me unravel a few differences between dating and hanging out, in hopes of making yolur life easier and satisfing for the ladies in your future. Now you can take it or leave it. It's all up to you.
•Asking someone if they’ll be at church next week is hanging out. Asking someone if they would like to go out with you is dating.
•Making up a reason to call, e-mail, or text someone is hanging out. Calling just because you want to talk, and telling the person so, is dating.
•Going to coffee is hanging out. Going to dinner is dating.
•Doing something with the object of your affection and seven other friends is hanging out. If the two of you do something alone, it’s dating.
•Hiding your feelings is hanging out. Telling someone you’re interested in pursuing a more serious relationship is dating.
The Purpose of Hanging
Go ahead and hang out with someone if you’re just getting to know him or her. By all means, don’t ask a person out just because you think he or she is cute but know nothing else about them. You might have nothing in common with the person. The music she loves might make you throw up. He might be a deranged serial killer. OK, he’s probably not a serial killer, but you get my point. It’s important to hang out before asking out. The problem is that many people never make this "leap of Faith". They hang out continually like a grandfathers clock slowly ticking, perpetually swinging back and forth, creating confusion and tension that could easily be dissipated by asking someone "Karen, We have been hanging out for awhile and I would love to make it official. Would you have dinner and a movie with me this Saturday night?" DUDE, that's a DATE !!!!!
Then I get the question, “How do you know when it’s time for a friendship to go further?” or “When should two people stop hanging out and start dating?” Figuring that out is the easy part. If you find the person attractive, you can’t stop thinking about him or her, and you’re unsatisfied with the close intimacy that friendship provides, then it’s time to ask out instead of hang out. The problem usually isn’t that people don’t know whether or not they want to date, it’s that they’re afraid the other person doesn’t feel the same way.
This kind of fearful hem hawing isn’t how Christians should do things. This isn’t who God created us to be. I’m not saying that in defiance of some antiquated courtship rituals. I mean we shouldn’t be so stinking scared. We shouldn’t be afraid to date. Overcoming this fear involves two steps:
1.Get a life. Something needs to be more important to you than finding a boyfriend or girlfriend. You need a passion, something that excites you and gives your life meaning and purposful, LIKE JESUS. More on that in anoter blog. It should be something thrilling and at least a little daring at the same time. Not only will this give your life focus and keep you busy, it can build self-esteem. As you begin to move forward toward your goals, you’ll feel better about yourself. Have you ever noticed that a lot of people find love when they’re not looking very hard for it? It’s usually because they’re in the middle of a meaningful journey. And that just happens to make them more attractive. This part should be easy for Christians. We have something, or rather Someone, who’s eager to give our life a sense of mission, meaning, and value aka: Jesus.
2.Be authentic. At some point, someone decided it wasn’t cool to let someone know that you’re interested in him or her. I guess people think it makes you seem desperate. That can be the case sometimes, but it’s not true if you’ve taken care of Step 1 above. Being honest and bold about your feelings doesn’t come off as cheesy if you have self-confidence. It shows courage and self-esteem. It shows that getting rejected won’t devastate you because you know and like who you are. The alternative to this is “hanging out” with someone and hoping to catch a lucky break. That takes a lot more time and trouble to get what usually turns out to be the same result.
Take a look at 1st John 4:18 says that “perfect love drives out fear.” While it’s normal to be nervous when you ask someone out, God’s perfect love should cast out all fear that you’re unlovable, unworthy, and destined to be alone. You’re exploring the possibility of a relationship with one person. If it doesn’t work out, God’s love will take care of you far more than the love of any human on earth.
So guys, there you have it. Take it our leave it. That choice is yours. But to the guy who called asking for wise counsel, I continualy tell them seek God first in ALL THINGS. Then if you get no answer and you call me at 2am, I will smile and say
www.timcoats.blogspot.com and roll over and go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
till next time,
peace I leave with you
Romans 5:1
What do we do when you don't know what to do?

There aren't nice, neat, simple, pre-packaged answers for why certain things happen to certain people. Sometimes a close friend or someone like a minister or pastor can shed some light on a sitation. But when there is nothing more to say, where do we turn? Maybe it's when there is nothing more to say that God's silence is broken and God finally speaks.
Jesus lived with the utmost awareness that God is doing something, right here, right now, and anybody can be a part of it, if they will only say yes and believe. Jesus encouraged his followers and anyone who would slow down long enough to listen, to search, to question, to wrestle with all the implications of what he was saying and doing. Christ inspired, challenged, provoked, comforted, and invited people to be open to God's work in this world. Wherever Christ went, whatever Christ did, Christ started a simple dialogue about what matters most, because for HIM, God is always inviting us to open our eyes and join in.
I recently learned a former student has shifted from christianity to being an agnostic. It's kinda like a knife in your back. But, in wrestling with this situation, I have gained a peace and a new determined spirit through some simple prayers of asking "God why? ". A simple answer is all I got. The answer, " Pray".
So I continue to pray for this individual and for this situation to be handled by the Lord himself. Never give up. Never Give Up continues to echo in my brain. To continue to look for the answers to the hard questions and when we get worn out and exhausted, God is still there.
So my challenge is this: Join in the dialogue, Join in the discussion... search, question, and engage on what matters most and if you need help,I am always a phone call or a text away.
Till next time
peace I leave with you,
Romans 5:1
Monday, August 10, 2009
I saw someone late yesterday afternoon whom I have known for a long time. Naturally He asked how I had been and the usual yada yada yada conversation. He then asked me what was so different about where I was attending church now. I briefly figured out that I was about to compare and I stopped. So I told him, "Here's what my current church is all about and you figure out and compare what the church you have in mind is all about and what they are doing to reach people for Christ and do the math."
Life Church IS A COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS and absolutely LOVES in home small groups. It has no "Sunday School" that is what small groups are for. They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…Matt 28:19
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Heb 13:8
Life Church believes that TO REACH PEOPLE NO ONE IS REACHING, YOU HAVE TO DO THINGS NO ONE IS DOING. Little Life - Life Kids - Ignite (Student Ministry) have nearly doubled in recent months. Connect- Brand new never before New College/Career just cranked up and has over 20 students and young adults in it's first week. Young Adults, Married and Singles small groups just gearing up. Totally new worship Band that is incredible. Newly renovated high tech Sanctuary. Just last week alone had 4 micro-mission serve projects to serve the community. Sponsors multiple churches in Mexico all by it's self. Has yearly Single Mom's Banquet with over 100 single moms in attendance. Has widow projects bi-monthly. PLUS SO MUCH MORE. Got any questions?
After that He scratched his head and said, WoW, See you.
Just sayin'
Life Church IS A COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS and absolutely LOVES in home small groups. It has no "Sunday School" that is what small groups are for. They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…Matt 28:19
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Heb 13:8
Life Church believes that TO REACH PEOPLE NO ONE IS REACHING, YOU HAVE TO DO THINGS NO ONE IS DOING. Little Life - Life Kids - Ignite (Student Ministry) have nearly doubled in recent months. Connect- Brand new never before New College/Career just cranked up and has over 20 students and young adults in it's first week. Young Adults, Married and Singles small groups just gearing up. Totally new worship Band that is incredible. Newly renovated high tech Sanctuary. Just last week alone had 4 micro-mission serve projects to serve the community. Sponsors multiple churches in Mexico all by it's self. Has yearly Single Mom's Banquet with over 100 single moms in attendance. Has widow projects bi-monthly. PLUS SO MUCH MORE. Got any questions?
After that He scratched his head and said, WoW, See you.
Just sayin'
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Sweet Sweet Voice
Sometimes in ministry, but always in student ministry, things just pop up. Even the most smallest of things like a simple ripple in a lake can cause a MAJOR tidelwave before it's conclusion. Once, you are in student ministry, you never seem to leave it. You do have periods
where things seem to be tranquil and then "stuff" just seems to happen. Like the hospitalization of a close uncle to a former student where the ill Uncle does not have a relationship with Christ, and the once quiet cell phone comes to life with a birage of text messages. "What do I do, What can I say, I've never had anyone close die before, This is sad", seem to flow like a river. That plus many other issues in students lives just seem to swell lately into a whirlwind of issues. So I start to wonder, why am I being contacted instead of their own youth pastor at the church they attend now. Am I the only name they have in their cell phone? I have wanted for YEARS, to ask that question. So this time I did that very thing, I asked them, why? The answer I got was not what I expected. So I guess you want to know what that answer was, right? Well their answer was, "You know everything". I stopped them and immediately corrected that answer. So then they gave me a humbling answer. The next reply was "Well, I see your point, but everytime I have ever contacted you TC, you were always there when I needed you and you have always, always given me the right answer, so that's why I keep calling you. My student pastor is good and all but sometimes He just doesn't understand me and you do and I know you care. I wish I could come to where you are now but my mom tells me we have to go to our church".
So I was kinda speechless for a bit and extremely humbled in the process.
Then comes the really unexpected situations that takes your breathe away and stops your heart and you are swept away into the dark night, (which is a completely other blog one day). So even with the best of our intentions and as hard as we try, sometimes Jesus is still the only absolute thing that there is. I say that because I prayed for a long time for one certain student last night and just when I least expected it, a clear message came thru. "Rest in me" WOW. I have received that before and I was quickly reminded of Jesus ' words of making our burdens light.
So with all that being said I am still trying to shift gears into a college/career only ministry. But, it ain't werkin' to good. How do some people just walk away and not be being available for God's students, come on now. All I know is that I am glad God is continuing to use me and not just throw me over in the ditch. God is good and I am still playing catch up.
till next time
Romans 5:1
where things seem to be tranquil and then "stuff" just seems to happen. Like the hospitalization of a close uncle to a former student where the ill Uncle does not have a relationship with Christ, and the once quiet cell phone comes to life with a birage of text messages. "What do I do, What can I say, I've never had anyone close die before, This is sad", seem to flow like a river. That plus many other issues in students lives just seem to swell lately into a whirlwind of issues. So I start to wonder, why am I being contacted instead of their own youth pastor at the church they attend now. Am I the only name they have in their cell phone? I have wanted for YEARS, to ask that question. So this time I did that very thing, I asked them, why? The answer I got was not what I expected. So I guess you want to know what that answer was, right? Well their answer was, "You know everything". I stopped them and immediately corrected that answer. So then they gave me a humbling answer. The next reply was "Well, I see your point, but everytime I have ever contacted you TC, you were always there when I needed you and you have always, always given me the right answer, so that's why I keep calling you. My student pastor is good and all but sometimes He just doesn't understand me and you do and I know you care. I wish I could come to where you are now but my mom tells me we have to go to our church".
So I was kinda speechless for a bit and extremely humbled in the process.
Then comes the really unexpected situations that takes your breathe away and stops your heart and you are swept away into the dark night, (which is a completely other blog one day). So even with the best of our intentions and as hard as we try, sometimes Jesus is still the only absolute thing that there is. I say that because I prayed for a long time for one certain student last night and just when I least expected it, a clear message came thru. "Rest in me" WOW. I have received that before and I was quickly reminded of Jesus ' words of making our burdens light.
So with all that being said I am still trying to shift gears into a college/career only ministry. But, it ain't werkin' to good. How do some people just walk away and not be being available for God's students, come on now. All I know is that I am glad God is continuing to use me and not just throw me over in the ditch. God is good and I am still playing catch up.
till next time
Romans 5:1
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Time to Jump FEET FIRST
Well, I purposely laid off the blog for a few months for several reasons, (which is another blog one day), but yet through the reasons behind my shifting gears, shifting churches and changing fields of ministry, God is fastly creating a whole new world of ministry for me. Presently, I have shifted from student ( 6-12 grade and college) to focus on creating a brand new ground level college/career ministry (20 Somethings they call it) at a smaller but highly alive non-denominational church. This particular church has seen radical change over the years but through these changes is emerging a new servant based, open to all, whoever you are type church. In fact, I wouldn't call it a church. It's more like the body of Christ that Jesus talks about. We all have different gifts that equips us to do some things better than other things, but when they all come together, it truly is an amazing and inspiring thing.
Just last week was VBS and I always volunteer to help and to see who is coming down the pipeline one day, but it's really a kick in the pants. Well, I wasn't given any certain daily thing to do, except share the gospel , which is the BIGGEST thing to do in my opinion. So, I dusted off a 2,000 year old man made costume and asked God for words to speak to children, which is one ministry I have NEVER had a desire to dive into. So I go in FET FIRST with No rehearsing, no outline, no bible, just me and the Lord. I still have no clue what I said basically, but 9 children, God's children, raised their tiny hands to show us that they want to KNOW JESUS more. My heart wanted to scream THANK YOU LORD. Later, that night I heard that another volunteer was talking to them and a total of 23 accepted Christ. Out of 77 kids , 23 accepted Christ, AWESOME.
But there is sooooo much more:
The student ministry has nearly doubled recently. What an incredible job the staff and volunteers are doing while caring and just lovin on God's students Long range planning is being discussed, worship services on Saturday are happening and being permanently scheduled. The worship team is getting it cranked back up. New people are coming on board and even a new ultra modern children-student facility is in the early planning stages. Mind Blowing.
While some traditional churches are slowly crumbling, newer emerging churches seem to be flourishing. Take for example Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge. Talk about a church on Spiritual Steroids, UnBeLiVeAbLe !! Church of the Highlands in Alabama and so many more.
God is at work and you can say what you want to but HE IS ON THE MOVE. All I can say is look around. God is so fully alive if we will only get of the super highway of life and stop and rest for a moment and look around.
As for me, a new ground level college/career ministry has been laid in my lap. My only instructions were, "DO IT". How directly effectve those small two words can be. So with that being said, "CONNECT" was born and last Sunday 9 college/career young adults attended our first fellowship gathering while some of the church staff came by to eat FREE FOOD and support our collective group of die hard believers. As others return from over seas missons and national collegiate weeks, I see the "son" slowly rising to meet us where we are in this new arm of this growing family of believers we call Life Church West Monroe.
But, best of all I have realised a few things. God is at work. God is at work in my life. God is using me simply because I said YES. God has a plan through every single minute of confusion that we experience when change happens. God is opening up new doors of opportunity to share who his son is and why he came. God uses us best when we have no one place to turn around and just say YES.
So where will all this change lead me, only the LORD GOD knows. But that's ok. I said YES and TC is not an INDIAN GIVER.
till next time
peace I leave with you
Romans 5:1
Just last week was VBS and I always volunteer to help and to see who is coming down the pipeline one day, but it's really a kick in the pants. Well, I wasn't given any certain daily thing to do, except share the gospel , which is the BIGGEST thing to do in my opinion. So, I dusted off a 2,000 year old man made costume and asked God for words to speak to children, which is one ministry I have NEVER had a desire to dive into. So I go in FET FIRST with No rehearsing, no outline, no bible, just me and the Lord. I still have no clue what I said basically, but 9 children, God's children, raised their tiny hands to show us that they want to KNOW JESUS more. My heart wanted to scream THANK YOU LORD. Later, that night I heard that another volunteer was talking to them and a total of 23 accepted Christ. Out of 77 kids , 23 accepted Christ, AWESOME.
But there is sooooo much more:
The student ministry has nearly doubled recently. What an incredible job the staff and volunteers are doing while caring and just lovin on God's students Long range planning is being discussed, worship services on Saturday are happening and being permanently scheduled. The worship team is getting it cranked back up. New people are coming on board and even a new ultra modern children-student facility is in the early planning stages. Mind Blowing.
While some traditional churches are slowly crumbling, newer emerging churches seem to be flourishing. Take for example Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge. Talk about a church on Spiritual Steroids, UnBeLiVeAbLe !! Church of the Highlands in Alabama and so many more.
God is at work and you can say what you want to but HE IS ON THE MOVE. All I can say is look around. God is so fully alive if we will only get of the super highway of life and stop and rest for a moment and look around.
As for me, a new ground level college/career ministry has been laid in my lap. My only instructions were, "DO IT". How directly effectve those small two words can be. So with that being said, "CONNECT" was born and last Sunday 9 college/career young adults attended our first fellowship gathering while some of the church staff came by to eat FREE FOOD and support our collective group of die hard believers. As others return from over seas missons and national collegiate weeks, I see the "son" slowly rising to meet us where we are in this new arm of this growing family of believers we call Life Church West Monroe.
But, best of all I have realised a few things. God is at work. God is at work in my life. God is using me simply because I said YES. God has a plan through every single minute of confusion that we experience when change happens. God is opening up new doors of opportunity to share who his son is and why he came. God uses us best when we have no one place to turn around and just say YES.
So where will all this change lead me, only the LORD GOD knows. But that's ok. I said YES and TC is not an INDIAN GIVER.
till next time
peace I leave with you
Romans 5:1
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
TC's thoughts
Well it's been awhile since I have made a post. Sometimes we just get busy and thus has been the case. Lots has transpired since my last blog. About 2 years ago , I cleary got a message from the Lord that simply said " SIMPLIFY", so 2 years later I sold "BIG HOUSE" to another who can enjoy it as I once did. Selling big house also means that Chase no longer owns my soul, yay God. For me downsizing wasn't that hard. I have 60% less room than I once did, which is still ok. No pool to clean, no more chlorine smell burning a hole in my sinus cavities. I only have one yard to cut. One home insurance to pay, one water bill, one gas bill. Less house = less upkeep. Less cleaning means more time too do something else like ministry, which leads me to yet another LIFE CHANGE.
At least for the short term, I find myself on the outside. Outside of being "IN" a church or student type ministry. It feels strange to actually have time to do "mortal things" like cut grass, ride my motorcycle, clean the storage garage, grille and every now and then, I just sit outside and swing and BY MYSELF I may add. Waaaaaaaay different from what I am used to. My cell phone has gone 80% silent due to the huge drop-off from the constant birage of student text messages I got for many years and at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes, people just need a change. Being at the same church for 30+ years has it's advantages but it also has it's drawbacks. Sometimes our way of doings things is not somebody else's way of trying to accomplish the same thing. I could write for days about that subject alone, but will leave that for my book I will write some day. Nothing juicy, just thoughts from the heart.
So for now, I have gone the opposite direction from MY LONG TIME baptist based church denomination, to a non-denomination type environment and it feels pretty good. In fact it's actually refreshing in it's own way. No Sunday School lesson to prepare. No message to write and teardown and rewrite over 4 times. Speaking of Sunday School, why do we even call it that. I didn't like school 40 years ago and don't like it now. So those two words are being removed from the right side of my brian to nenevr be uttered or written again.
I know God has other plans for me. The BIGGEST down to this lifestyle change is not seeing those truly amazing students that I have grown so fond of. We have shared life's ups & downs so much it's scarey. Through death and divorce, and through birth to baptism, we have had quite a journey. I think for the most part a very solid foundation has been left for them to rest on. Still, not getting that weekly "run and jump hug" will be seriously missed. Some may never see or will ever understand what having a strong relationship with students is all about. We each have our priorities and mine is being real and open and transparent and following the pattern of Jesus. Before Jesus ever made sense to his disciples had formed a close bond with them and slowly but surely they were getting the picture.
So as for me, it's a time to refresh and soak it up. But I know God has something up his sleeve.
Hmmm does that mean God wears shirts. Well, That's another topic all together.
till next time
Romans 5:1
At least for the short term, I find myself on the outside. Outside of being "IN" a church or student type ministry. It feels strange to actually have time to do "mortal things" like cut grass, ride my motorcycle, clean the storage garage, grille and every now and then, I just sit outside and swing and BY MYSELF I may add. Waaaaaaaay different from what I am used to. My cell phone has gone 80% silent due to the huge drop-off from the constant birage of student text messages I got for many years and at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes, people just need a change. Being at the same church for 30+ years has it's advantages but it also has it's drawbacks. Sometimes our way of doings things is not somebody else's way of trying to accomplish the same thing. I could write for days about that subject alone, but will leave that for my book I will write some day. Nothing juicy, just thoughts from the heart.
So for now, I have gone the opposite direction from MY LONG TIME baptist based church denomination, to a non-denomination type environment and it feels pretty good. In fact it's actually refreshing in it's own way. No Sunday School lesson to prepare. No message to write and teardown and rewrite over 4 times. Speaking of Sunday School, why do we even call it that. I didn't like school 40 years ago and don't like it now. So those two words are being removed from the right side of my brian to nenevr be uttered or written again.
I know God has other plans for me. The BIGGEST down to this lifestyle change is not seeing those truly amazing students that I have grown so fond of. We have shared life's ups & downs so much it's scarey. Through death and divorce, and through birth to baptism, we have had quite a journey. I think for the most part a very solid foundation has been left for them to rest on. Still, not getting that weekly "run and jump hug" will be seriously missed. Some may never see or will ever understand what having a strong relationship with students is all about. We each have our priorities and mine is being real and open and transparent and following the pattern of Jesus. Before Jesus ever made sense to his disciples had formed a close bond with them and slowly but surely they were getting the picture.
So as for me, it's a time to refresh and soak it up. But I know God has something up his sleeve.
Hmmm does that mean God wears shirts. Well, That's another topic all together.
till next time
Romans 5:1
Monday, April 06, 2009
So it's Monday. Life just seems to be wierd on Monday for most people on the planet, myself included. Like today, I am not focused, non-caring, and just not wanting to do much of anything today. I just feel like, I need to be left along and grumble to myself until I am sick of me.
So here's the deal or what I think is the reason behind by "lack of go get em' ".
A fellow student minister, "of whom I admire", had a recent pic taken with about 20 students who were being baptised in his church & all on the same day. I went WooooooooooooW. I saw in his eyes a look I had not seen before. I saw in his eyes a look that said "God is Awesome" and I saw in his eyes, YEA, God used me in a BIG WAY and I am sooooo GLAD HE DID........
I was excited for him and know that the Angels are celebrating to this day and Satan is ticked about it. But looking at that pic made me wonder WHY. Why a massive movement of God doesn't happen like that in our area, or in our church or even in our own student ministry. What are we doing that is not allowing God's Holy Spirit to move like that. Every church has it's own set of issues, ours included. Every Student Ministry has it's own quirks and ours falls in that mix as well.....
So what can I do to fix it. What can I say that would make a difference in Student's Lives. What can I do PERIOD? What can I do or what can I say to tell PEOPLE about the importance of student ministry, of giving of our time to just hang out with some pretty awesome students.
Where's the calvary when you need it. But then, Paul did it. Peter did it. Jesus did it, so why can't I?
Stay tuned for further developments.......uh, oh yea, Monday's are still wierd,.
till next time
So here's the deal or what I think is the reason behind by "lack of go get em' ".
A fellow student minister, "of whom I admire", had a recent pic taken with about 20 students who were being baptised in his church & all on the same day. I went WooooooooooooW. I saw in his eyes a look I had not seen before. I saw in his eyes a look that said "God is Awesome" and I saw in his eyes, YEA, God used me in a BIG WAY and I am sooooo GLAD HE DID........
I was excited for him and know that the Angels are celebrating to this day and Satan is ticked about it. But looking at that pic made me wonder WHY. Why a massive movement of God doesn't happen like that in our area, or in our church or even in our own student ministry. What are we doing that is not allowing God's Holy Spirit to move like that. Every church has it's own set of issues, ours included. Every Student Ministry has it's own quirks and ours falls in that mix as well.....
So what can I do to fix it. What can I say that would make a difference in Student's Lives. What can I do PERIOD? What can I do or what can I say to tell PEOPLE about the importance of student ministry, of giving of our time to just hang out with some pretty awesome students.
Where's the calvary when you need it. But then, Paul did it. Peter did it. Jesus did it, so why can't I?
Stay tuned for further developments.......uh, oh yea, Monday's are still wierd,.
till next time
Thursday, January 22, 2009
TC's Thoughts
A few days ago, I saw & heard Rick Warren pray in front of billions of people at the inaguaration. I felt I heard language reaching out to many different people groups. I heard him receite the Shem and the Lord's prayer along with other words that seemed to reach out to people of many varying lifestyles as well. Then I heard what I had hoped he would say, Jesus. Many people talk about God and the words just seem to fill their soul for a second, but mention the name of JESUS and it seems as if you have turned the light switch from dim to bright. From being passive to down right "IN YOUR FACE". Then Rick expressed the inclusiveness of Jesus and the fact that there is only one way to Jesus. Nor does it exclude the fact that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Rick didn't mentioned it but it is true that the Bible calls idol worship, pride, greed and adultery as well ......sin, but that appears to be the problem most have with him and others like him and with me.
It's not Rick Warren some people have problems with, it's God's word. Just look at 2 Timothy, the Bible says clearly that there will come a time when people don't want to hear the truth. They just want to hear things that would tickle their ears. I have seen in the past few years, where people just do not want to offend others. Look, the teachings of Jesus were TOUGH. "Let the dead bury their own dead". "Give up EVERYTHING and follow me". We seem to all have a long way to go. But, sin is what it is SIN, but the awesome thing about Jesus Christ is that although we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, there is forgivness of sin because of the selfless gift Jesus gave us on that cross.Rick was bold in his words, but can easily back them up with biblical references each and every time, which is where his strength come from, God's word. So do we accept some of the bible and reject the other.
Do we accept God is Great & God is good and merciful and kind and forgiving but reject the WRATH that is YET TO COME and reject Jesus is the only way (John 14:6)?
till next time,
peace I leave with you
romans 5:1
A few days ago, I saw & heard Rick Warren pray in front of billions of people at the inaguaration. I felt I heard language reaching out to many different people groups. I heard him receite the Shem and the Lord's prayer along with other words that seemed to reach out to people of many varying lifestyles as well. Then I heard what I had hoped he would say, Jesus. Many people talk about God and the words just seem to fill their soul for a second, but mention the name of JESUS and it seems as if you have turned the light switch from dim to bright. From being passive to down right "IN YOUR FACE". Then Rick expressed the inclusiveness of Jesus and the fact that there is only one way to Jesus. Nor does it exclude the fact that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Rick didn't mentioned it but it is true that the Bible calls idol worship, pride, greed and adultery as well ......sin, but that appears to be the problem most have with him and others like him and with me.
It's not Rick Warren some people have problems with, it's God's word. Just look at 2 Timothy, the Bible says clearly that there will come a time when people don't want to hear the truth. They just want to hear things that would tickle their ears. I have seen in the past few years, where people just do not want to offend others. Look, the teachings of Jesus were TOUGH. "Let the dead bury their own dead". "Give up EVERYTHING and follow me". We seem to all have a long way to go. But, sin is what it is SIN, but the awesome thing about Jesus Christ is that although we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, there is forgivness of sin because of the selfless gift Jesus gave us on that cross.Rick was bold in his words, but can easily back them up with biblical references each and every time, which is where his strength come from, God's word. So do we accept some of the bible and reject the other.
Do we accept God is Great & God is good and merciful and kind and forgiving but reject the WRATH that is YET TO COME and reject Jesus is the only way (John 14:6)?
till next time,
peace I leave with you
romans 5:1
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