There aren't nice, neat, simple, pre-packaged answers for why certain things happen to certain people. Sometimes a close friend or someone like a minister or pastor can shed some light on a sitation. But when there is nothing more to say, where do we turn? Maybe it's when there is nothing more to say that God's silence is broken and God finally speaks.
Jesus lived with the utmost awareness that God is doing something, right here, right now, and anybody can be a part of it, if they will only say yes and believe. Jesus encouraged his followers and anyone who would slow down long enough to listen, to search, to question, to wrestle with all the implications of what he was saying and doing. Christ inspired, challenged, provoked, comforted, and invited people to be open to God's work in this world. Wherever Christ went, whatever Christ did, Christ started a simple dialogue about what matters most, because for HIM, God is always inviting us to open our eyes and join in.
I recently learned a former student has shifted from christianity to being an agnostic. It's kinda like a knife in your back. But, in wrestling with this situation, I have gained a peace and a new determined spirit through some simple prayers of asking "God why? ". A simple answer is all I got. The answer, " Pray".
So I continue to pray for this individual and for this situation to be handled by the Lord himself. Never give up. Never Give Up continues to echo in my brain. To continue to look for the answers to the hard questions and when we get worn out and exhausted, God is still there.
So my challenge is this: Join in the dialogue, Join in the discussion... search, question, and engage on what matters most and if you need help,I am always a phone call or a text away.
Till next time
peace I leave with you,
Romans 5:1
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