Sunday, August 01, 2010


Sometimes God lays things on our heart that we just can't quite comprehend and NEVER fully understand. For years I have seen church " culture" go from growing to decline. I am starting to see churches die simply because they are stuck in the past and not moving forward. If we are to be the same and never change why did Jesus come and make a drastic shift. It's the same for church life today.

I saw a great example of that a few months back that has been floating around in my mind and it will just not go away. I saw a certain young couple walking up to a "church service". I noticed them because they were very different. They were dressed in "Extreme Gothic" attire. Five or so years ago they would have been stopped at most churches front door. At this worship service, they were so warmly welcomed it stood out in my mind to this day. This couple said absolutely nothing to anybody there except to each other. They were greeted by at least 10 people that day.

Recently I returned to this church and guess who I first saw as I was approaching the entrance doors, this couple. Still dressed in Goth and welcoming people from many different walks of life. Why are some churches so accepting and some so cold and dead. Is Jesus not there anymore or has the church culture shifted gears. Today's culture is changing people, so get ready. It will blow past you or you can embrace it and show God's Love in a new way, but it's changing, like it or not.

Aren't you tired of denominational barriers saying that this is the only way to do something. That doing some certain things divides the church and causes turmoil. That having church in a school building,a rented vacant building is wrong. I know a church who's biggest business sponsor is a bar. They want nothing in return and have told the pastor, "we believe in what you are doing and the people who go there are real". I heard one person critised a church pastor that he didn't preach the word out of the KJV bible. Then I hear last week a guy who said, "them church. All they want and talk about is money". We have got to get real and be more like Christ if we are ever going to make a difference. Again, many churches think that doing certain things divides a church. The only thing that divides a church is a narrow mindset of who Jesus really is. Jesus can make something out of nothing and can do anything with something. Narrow minded religious babble will kill a church and I pray before that happens people will wake up.

Change is coming people, like it or not. My generation did a loosy job of showing and sharing Jesus in the world and it's time to change. So if you are stuck in the KJV and are protesting a video worship set and a video message, you sure will protest a "Hologram worship experience" because it's already here and coming to a worship experience near you.

Question? How many students come to your churches youth group. How many leave after High School Graduation and seem to fall off the planet? 80% by most recent stats. There are many factors to blame but as this trend continues, all churches will sink into the abys. Go in a differnet direction and I just bet, God will show you things in a new way.

Now this in not a church bashing blog. I love the body of Christ and I serve Jesus through it. I do disagree with some on their way of thinking, but I pray, we all need to think in a different mindset. Sometimes putting new wine and an old wineskin just doesn't work. Just sayin"

till next time



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