A few weeks ago I had breakfast with a buddy. We met at Chick-fil-A. We both love their food, but also because as Christians, you’re almost required by law to meet there for breakfast. It's actually one of TC's commandments and the bible states it like this, “Where any two or more are gathered, Chick-fil-A must be involved.” Well maybe not quite like that, but very similar. In the middle of breakfast, as we wrestled with a few issues, he said something interesting: “I wish God had given us a manual for this life we’re called to lead.” That’s a fair request to make when you think about how complicated life gets. We’ve all got bills to pay, meetings to attend, iPhones, Blackberrys or even my Incredible HTC Incredible, that doesn't stop chirping at us, Twitter feeds to read, Facebook friends to talk with, and a million other things that need our attention. Life is loud and complex sometimes.
What if there was a manual that showed us how to live? What if there was a book that talked about being busy and showed us how to have lives of peace? What if we could find, not just a broad philosophy, but actually a plan for each day of our lives? Can you fathom that? I’m not talking about a pamphlet or a website or even a series of YouTube videos that give us advice about double rainbows. Can you imagine hundreds and hundreds of God-spoken pages that read like a love letter to a world on tilt?
What if we had that? I have bookshelves littered with leadership manuals by numerous authors and yet I’ve searched for that book my entire life. And I don’t think I’m the only one. Sometimes, as Christians we lose sight of the Bible. We get used to it. We get familiar with it and forget what it really is. God’s word. God’s love letter. God’s plan. God’s day to day, life to life, heart to heart truth. Maybe it’s because we get busy or we “grew up in the church.” I think part of the reason we pine for a plan when we’ve already been given one is that the enemy distracts us. One of his favorite tricks is encouraging people to search for something they already have. It’s impossible to find something that’s already been found. And the manual for life has been. It’s the Bible. And it’s what you need and I need and even friends at a Chick-fil-A and maybe very soon, like in the next few days, I can sit in a Chick-fil-A booth and just hang a while with you to.
I leave you with this parting thought.
Every now and then shut the phone off and turn of the laptop and the tv and maybe even the radio. Go some place out of the way. Go off the beaten path and just sit and dwell with God. I just bet He will pull up a stool and join you where ever you are.
till next time,
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