What does Jesus mean when He tells us to follow Him? Are we supposed to just agree with what He says, or does He really mean we're supposed to do the things He did and live the life He lived? Once we understand how to follow Jesus, we see the hard life that might be in store for us, and then the real question becomes not how, but why we would want to follow Him in the first place.
Is church a specific place where individuals meet once a week to sing a few songs and listen to someone talk about God, or does church refer to the people themselves, who share a common mission in the world? Maybe if we start to view church the way God designed it, as a family loving each other and living and sharing all of life together, we might show the world a glimpse of who God is, and we might begin to impact the world as God intended us to do.
Then God gives each of us the gift of the Holy Spirit, our source of supernatural power. But today the church acts neither "super" nor "natural." How do we join the move of what the Spirit is doing? Maybe once we understand who the Holy Spirit is, the church can stop being so ordinary, and can start being the agents of change in the world that God designed us to be.
What does the Bible mean when it tells us to fear God? Is it a kind of respect or reverence as many in the church seem to see it today, or is it really more of a paralyzing fear that can drive you to your knees in trembling? A clear understanding of what the Bible teaches can lead to a true fear of God, which can ultimately lead to the life we were intended to live.
Is it possible that our prayers go unanswered because we are praying out of a sense of obligation or maybe for the wrong things? Are our prayers supposed to be a list of things we want, or are they really intended to be an ongoing dialogue with God about the things He wants? Maybe if we align our prayers with God's mission, we would see God answer our prayers in supernatural ways that we could never imagine.
What is communion really all about? Is it just a ritual that we're supposed to repeat from time to time, or is it intended to be a continual reminder among us that we are on a mission together? Maybe Jesus told us to remember this way because He knew that living on a mission can be hard, and that we need to help each other remember if we are going to accomplish what He has called us to do.
till next time
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