Thursday, November 16, 2006


I love technology, like cell phones, web sites and BLOGS..... BUT, cell phones really get under my skin sometimes. Especially when you study and prepare for about 6-8 hours to get a relevant message to your students for the Wednesday night student service that could be the pivot point in their life. You find a great video, a great song from yet another artist, the worship leader and other students have set the stage for a God honoring time to praise God for ALL that he has poured on us and what happens, text messaging has snuck in on the back row and has found a resting place. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Obviously some people either have ADD or who Jesus is and what he did for us, is just not very relevant to them. Obviously there are several things that may be wrong.

#1- I am a horrible student minister who can not relate to students.
#2 - The other person on the other end of the text mesage is hotter than I am. (Which doesn't
take much there.)
#3 - Jesus is just not kelw to them.

I think I will hire a cell phone policeman to confiscate all cell phones as students enter the worship area. Yea, that's what I will do. Put them out of their misery. But then who will text me at 2am & wake me up. Oh well, It was a good thought, don't you think.

Till next time

1 comment:

ksull412 said...

That would be really good to do. Have everyone leave there cell phones on off at the back of the gym. Great idea TC!