Monday, August 18, 2008

God is still teaching me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sometimes think that God likes to use repetition to teach me. He knows that I may not pay attention if He just shows me something once, but He knows it'll get through my thick skull if He shows me again and again and again. See, here's the deal: I believe with absolute certainty that God forgives sin. I've experienced that. But I have this problem with forgiving myself of that failure to walk in His ways. Even though He has thrown that sin away, I keep dwelling on it, thinking I've somehow failed or disappointed Him, that I'm not worth it, that I can't even follow God in the small things or stand against temptation.

But Hebrews reminds me that Jesus has made all things possible. Hebrews 5:9 says that He became the source of eternal salvation for us. Hebrews 4:15 tells us that that we can withstand temptation to sin because we have Christ in our lives. Hebrews 2:18 teaches us that He stands beside us in our suffering and trials, because He endured them, too. Hebrews 7:25 tells us that He is ready to save—once and for all—and intercedes for us with the Father. He forgives sin, and when He does, it's gone and blown away for ever. Jesus isn't about guilt or shame. It's just the opposite, AT LEAST FOR NOW.

BUT, when He returms again and HE WILL, he is not going to be Mr. Nice Guy. He will come and claim what is rightfully HIS. He gives us sooooooo many chances and sooooooo many choices that WE determine our own destinty which may end at any moment. Our days and minutes are numbered and the clock is ticking. So I find joy and strength in the fact that I have a Savior who understands me and knows where I'm coming from. Jesus has stood in my place, taken on my sin, and covered me with His righteousness. He died so that I might be right with God. He has made a way!
And He's made a way for you, too. If I can help, you know where to find me.
romans 5:1

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

From the Rocky Mountains

As I write today, I am sitting in my incredible room at Glorietta New Mexico looking out the picture perfect window at God's Creation. Anyone who can not comprehend the magnitude of God's power needs to do what I did, go to the mountains.

Last night David Platt, our conference speaker, was digging deep in Exodus 33. A truly amazing set of passages that speaks of Moses and God. How incredible that must have been. Only Moses had access to God. No one else could enter the tent but him. But with Christ sacrifice, that was totally wiped clean. Each and everyone on the planet has direct access to God because of what Christ did for you and for me. The amazing thing about these passages was that each and every time God direct Moses to lead his people, God said He will not be with them. Moses went directly back to God and said, If you not going with us, we are just not going. Moses knew that without God protection and without his leading them in the correct ways, they we all doomed.

In the end Moses asked God to "Show me your Glory?
God showed him. So what's your excuse?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hell Is Real
Last night at our wednesday night student service "Common Ground", I gave what I call is one of those IN YOUR FACE messages, that we RARELY do anymore. It was a gut check for many students and for myself as well. The Topic. HELL. So many students and adults alike, never seem to talk about their eternal destination. So last night was competely different from many perspectives.
I read a bit of John Piper Blog a few days ago and I was puzzled about how some theologians are drifting away from the interpretation that hell is a literal place. The main objection to hell seems to be on moral issues; basically that a loving God could not justifiably punish people for all eternity (a very long time) for things done in one's lifetime (a relatively short time). That it would be unjust, not to mention downright wicked for him to do that. Those who choose not to believe in an eternal hell tend to slowly slide more toward the idea of annihilation, that at some point, everyone not in heaven will simply cease to exist. No eternal life, but no eternal death for them either.
The people arguing back and forth are certainly smarter than I ever wil be. I thought about my mesasge last night as I was lead to say things that honestly, I’m not comfortable with either. Like the words, " eternal punishment". Who is? But just because I’m not comfortable with it doesn’t mean it’s not reality check time. I think the thing that clinches and helps me understand the hell thing a little bit is actually not the meanness of God - but it’s Gods' goodness. Thinking of all the stupid things I did when I was much younger caused me to reflect on the things that I did that changed the outcome of who I was to become and it also changed the direction of someone else with my own actions. Isn’t it interesting that the “badness” of the act (sin) changes with the “goodness” of the one the act is committed against? This is why I believe in a literal hell. Hell is so bad not only because of the bad things we do - it’s so bad because God is so good.
God isn’t an awkward 6th grade girl. He’s God. He’s the Creator and Perfect Sustainer of the entire Universe. God isn’t defined by good; good is defined by God. That’s how holy, righteous, and good He is. When we wrong Him, IT'S A BIG DEAL. It’s so big because He is so good. If God were just a vindictive deity floating out there in hyperspace somewhere or someone waiting to zap us from heaven, then maybe sin would be a little bit justifiable. Some think that God is a jerk and has a chip on his shoulder or has the BIG HEAD. Who cares if they wrong Him?
For you people out there who either deny God or could care less about Jesus, I will end with this. God who wrapped Himself in flesh and walked, talked, and died for us and among us.
For me, that's good and because that's good, hell is so, so real. When Jesus comes back again and claims what is rightfully his, I wish you guys the best. I won't be here and unfortunately you will.

till next time
romans 5:1

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Freedom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somebody ask me a few days ago how long I have been riding motorcycles and then they asked me why I ride. Well, with those two questions, I can talk about for days. But, I have been riding since before I was ripe on the vine. At the young age of 11 years old, I had my first motorcycle. A mind blowing Honda 50 and it was BLUE TOO. Back in "the day", things were not as they are today. Anyway, I shifted gears and what I call FREEDOM OF THE ROAD.

Freedom is often cited as an attraction, but compared to driving a car, riding a motorcycle offers freedom from the cage of our four-wheeled cars and trucks. When a car goes into a turn, it leans to the outside of a corner, trying to maintain its proper direction of travel. A motorcycle leans into a corner. This may not sound like much, but until you've experienced both you can't understand the superior grace and simplicity of a bike. Just taking a corner becomes a symphony of precision movements instead of being throw to the outside, you meet the road and are driven through the corner. You seem to be working in harmony with the road instead of fighting it.

Once you get free of your steel cage you begin to experience a broader existence of all this world has going on. My nose was quickly introduced to skunk roadkill last week and the smell of being behind a diesel exhaust was not pleasurable, but bread baking and plants blooming made the dielse go away ratherly quickly. You feel the thousand tiny raindrops some afternoons and your skin will feel the gently warming temperature as you crest a hill and drop to floor below.
Being on a bike means you are no longer locked behind the wheel that is disconnected from nature. It's a freedom that is hard to describe.

Being on a motorcycle, is very similar to being a follower of Christ. By following the path Christ laid out for us while negoitating each hill and curve with precision. Just like leaning into a curve on your motorcycle when the road takes a new twist and turn is very similar to leaning on Christ when our life takes a turn. Being on the open road and experiencing the moment is very similar to the freedom we have in Christ that even though we struggle with life, WE WIN in the long run.

till next time,
romans 5:1

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Worship is our response to God. It is like cheering at a game. When someone does something amazing or hits a homerun, you don’t have to stop and say, Ok let's stand up everyone, let’s cheer, let’s celebrate, let’s clap our hands. It should be a natural response, but when we train ourselves to see God in everything around us, our natural response should be awe and worship.

When you wake up, do see God in your breath?
When you eat breakfast, do you see God as your provider?
When you see the grass, birds, trees, do you see His artistic abilities?
When someone hurts you, do you see God as one who never leaves you?
When you win a competition or game, do you stop to thank God for your abilities?
When a wind storm happens, are you amazed by the power of God?
When someone you love dies, do you see how God works in the lives of people?
When you get stopped at a red light or while driving your car, do you take the time to sing to God?

When you’re taking a shower, sing to God.
When you’re laying in bed, take the time to tell God how awesome He is.
When you see a mountain, be speechless by the greatness of it.
When you see a flower, stop and look at all the detail God has put into it.
Look for God and worshiping God everyday in everyway!

He is worthy of all our praise. He is worthy of our worship.

till next time


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Broken World

Last Night at Common Ground, my message to the students was from the Old Testament.
Habbabuk was one of the "12"minor prophets. So little is actually known about him as compared to the other 11. But his "wrestling with God" is an amazing story. Just before the service started, I had the opportunity of talking to a student who is really struggling right now. Many worldly issues seem to be bombarding students MINDS these days and as I get older, I see and hear it more and more everyday. In this student, I see an amazing child of God. I see it in their eyes, in their smile. I can see a light glowing in their eye when they just don't feel it in their soul.
Being in student ministry as long as I have and having the responsibility to cover 6th grade through college can be very challenging to say the least. "Overwhelming" is the best word that I can think of but it doesn't even come close to what I am looking for. But thru the never ending phone calls, text messages, emails, myspace messages, facebook messages, IM's, notes, verbal conversations, school visits and whatever means I can find to stay in communication and build relationships with each student, TWO THINGS come to mind. We live in a very broken world where Satan has won WAY TOO MANY BATTLES, BUT in the end WE WIN in our struggles because of Jesus. Broken families, Broken relationships, Broken Friendships and Broken LIVES seem to infect each student these days.
I read something a few days ago that I shared with the students last night. It was a short story about a girl named Kate. Kate grew up in church, she accepted Christ at the age of 11. Kate never missed coming to church. Each time the doors were open, she was there. She never missed going to camps and retreats. Kate and the church were inseparable. Now Kate is now in her 3rd year of college. Her grades are slipping away. She hasn't been to church in over a year. She has few friends. She hasn't picked up her bible in over 2 years. She is living wih her boy friend. Katie is looking into scientogolgy. This story totally blew me away.
With me saying all this, I guess that's why I am passionate about my ministry. I know for a fact, from my own personal experiences, that MY GENERATION did a lousy job of instilling TRUTH in students and at the first sign of a struggle, they abandon their belief in Jesus and look elsewhere seeking something new that "feels good" or something that the ears like to hear.
What I am getting at is pastors, preachers and or ministers who have watered down the Gospel so much that a ONCE raging river is now a trickling stream just about to dry up. That is something that I will just not do. The Gospel should be an "IN YOUR FACE" intersection of good verses evil, aka: accept or reject.
I just pray that my passion for ministry never fails or faulters. There is just too many students that have yet to told about Christ.

till next time
peace I leave with you

romans 5:1

Monday, March 03, 2008

The WOW Factor

I have attended MORE concerts lately than any other time in my life. One thing I quickly notice is a desire, of who ever the performer is, to give their audience a WOW factor. Dazel them with Big Screens, a fancy stage, an incredible light show and an over-powering sound system. All geared to WOW the ticket holder. I see thousands of fans screaming at the top of their lungs and using every bit of energy they have to just get louder. I also see people who probably had to take out a second mortgage JUST TO BUY THE TICKETS. But they were determined to be there, regardless of the cost.
Then this thought crossed my mind..............

What would happen if we tapped into that same energy and apply it to our DAILY WALK WITH CHRIST?

Do you think YOU could make a difference ?

Do you think YOU could IMPACT the world?


Let us remember what Jesus told us to do. That was to " pick up our cross daily".

So my closing thought is this.

What is your purpose in life?

Why are YOU here?

What are you doing?

What do you spend MOST of your time on ?

Hmmmm...Something to think about.

Till next time.
romans 5:1

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dating the wrong way.

Corinthians 6:14 (the message version) Don't become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go walking with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A very hard verse to read and apply to your life, huh?. We love the verses of encouragement and comfort but don't like to read the verse that deals with direction and correction. Many of my minister to students "talks" deals with student's that are dating a non Christian guy or girl all the time. Usually the excuse is that they want to win them over to God and they keep a smal glimer hope alive by trusting what the world is doing rather than following the teachings of Christ !!!! The Bible is very clear that God is not calling you to do that. Actually, God is asking for YOU NOT to partner with those who reject God. AKA : those who do not have a relationship with God. This means Christians that are not living for God as well, they say they are but their lifestyle says the opposite. Are these individuals bad people? I don't believe so, at least not all of them. God is asking you to do this so you can walk in partnership with someone who has the same values and focus on Christ as you do. You can try to talk your way around this point but the bottom line is this! YOU ARE NOT TO DATE THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD! This is an area we have to decide if we are willing to be obedient. I can promise, choosing to live in disobedience will lead to great hurt in your life. Do what you know is right and and do it today!
in christ
romans 5:1

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Happiness in being a follower of Christ, is to allow the cross of Jesus to dominate your life, not your mistakes!

Last Wenesday night at common Ground, God sent me a message that I knew was LONG OVERDUE.

It was about Satan and his lies and the thoughts that he plants in us, just to make us beleve WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!!!

How many times do we beat ourselves up over something we did wrong in our past or even earlier today or this week?

If you have asked for forgiveness and truly meant it, I mean you have from your gut been truly sorry when you ask God to forgive you when you messed up, He forgave you.

The Bible says He removes our sins as far as the East is from the West and He doesn't remember them anymore!

So when you keep beating yourself up and you run back to Him and repeat the whole process of asking for Him to forgive you over and over He just keeps saying, I have no idea what you are talking about I already forgave you all of that.

When others try to throw it in your face they are walking hand and hand with Satan to drag you down, that is not of God!

God is all about forgiveness and moving on get over it, push past it and move toward better things so God can use you to your fullest without all of that baggage.

God has forgiven it and is not still punishing you for it so quit allowing yourself or others to continue.

When we hang on to past sins and allow them to defeat us where we are today it makes light of what Jesus did on the cross and keeps us from operating at our fullest potential.

He paid for you sins before you even committed them. God wants to use you at the fullest ability He created you for and Satan wants nothing more than to defeat you with your past.

SO TODAY, take hold of God's hand and allow Him to pull you up out of that pit and love on you and show you the best He has for you is yet to come!
Don't let your past stand in the way of your future that God has designed!

In Christ,
romans 5:1