Saturday, January 05, 2008


Happiness in being a follower of Christ, is to allow the cross of Jesus to dominate your life, not your mistakes!

Last Wenesday night at common Ground, God sent me a message that I knew was LONG OVERDUE.

It was about Satan and his lies and the thoughts that he plants in us, just to make us beleve WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!!!

How many times do we beat ourselves up over something we did wrong in our past or even earlier today or this week?

If you have asked for forgiveness and truly meant it, I mean you have from your gut been truly sorry when you ask God to forgive you when you messed up, He forgave you.

The Bible says He removes our sins as far as the East is from the West and He doesn't remember them anymore!

So when you keep beating yourself up and you run back to Him and repeat the whole process of asking for Him to forgive you over and over He just keeps saying, I have no idea what you are talking about I already forgave you all of that.

When others try to throw it in your face they are walking hand and hand with Satan to drag you down, that is not of God!

God is all about forgiveness and moving on get over it, push past it and move toward better things so God can use you to your fullest without all of that baggage.

God has forgiven it and is not still punishing you for it so quit allowing yourself or others to continue.

When we hang on to past sins and allow them to defeat us where we are today it makes light of what Jesus did on the cross and keeps us from operating at our fullest potential.

He paid for you sins before you even committed them. God wants to use you at the fullest ability He created you for and Satan wants nothing more than to defeat you with your past.

SO TODAY, take hold of God's hand and allow Him to pull you up out of that pit and love on you and show you the best He has for you is yet to come!
Don't let your past stand in the way of your future that God has designed!

In Christ,
romans 5:1

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