Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I don't think they GOT IT !!!!!

About a month ago, I was driving home from our Wednesday night service. As I drove, I had a conversation with a student who I was giving a ride home to turned to how the night had gone. Typically, I talk in terms of whether the students were attentive, how certain aspects of the message or lesson went (or didn’t go), if there was any serious conversation had and the overall feeling. Tonight, though, “I don’t think they got it, came out of my mouth” The message was on Containing Complaining, which is definitely NOT a big issue with students. “Why don’t you think it went well?” She asked me. … "I just don’t think they got it… They didn’t seem to be listening… They didn’t seem interested… they mentioned that they were coming for reasons other than the message. I wish my students would feel the same way about this message as I did. There is just too much complainig these days. No one seems to be happy with anything anymore. It could have been some life-changing stuff in the s message and I’m not sure they feel that way about this stuff.”

That short conversation has lasted with me for a few weeks now. Then I thought, we don’t often share the life-changing impact with those who bring it about… a teacher… the minister at church… a friend at small group… or even someone closer… a family member… or even our boy/girl friend. But maybe, just maybe the impact is nonetheless real. As someone who speaks regularly in our student ministry’s services, at local school groups,at our local College BCM , and occasionally elsewhere, I know that there are times when I feel like I totally bombed and messed up a great message that really needed to be heard. In some of those times, God puts just the right person in my path to remind me of the impact that I had gave out but didn’t realize. They often do it by complimenting the message or remarking that it was “just what they needed to hear.”. So… what’s my point?

About a week ago, I received an amazing message over facebook. It was from a student who was kinda confessing to me that she knew she had been a negative person at times and sometimes just complained. That she had realized that and wants to change that. She felt convicted after having a "quiet time" and the thought struck her. Maybe it was the message that I had deliverd a few Wednesdays ago. Maybe a word or two sunk in. Maybe the message God gave me was the right message for one special person, who by the prompting of the Holy Spirit was waking up & be a more POSITIVE Disciple for Christ. WOW. The message she sent is still with me, encouraging me and giving me hope. Ya' See, being in the ministry has it's drawbacks. There are times when I feel ineffective, so useless. Like I am just going through the motions and spending hours and hours a week and never seeing anything good happen. BUT, Just when I least expect it, a message appears and completely changes my thinking. So, here's my current thinking that I knew all along that I seem to have had a short term memory lose about it .

Simply put: Never discredit any Godly effort. You never know who is listening, taking mental notes and then applying what they heard and learned even if they don’t act like it in the moment. God’s Spirit can do some incredible things with our efforts if we will just trust him. Even Jesus had to remind his followers that it’s not about our efforts, but more about God’s, “Jesus looked at them (the disciples) and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (Matthew 19:26).

Keep that in mind the next time you feel like a failure....Students, what you say DOES make a difference to your friends. Never Never Never give up just being a Godly friend.
God can and will use what you do to bring GLORY to HIM.

till next time,
Romans 5:1

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why I do the Things that I do.

I often have an experience that leaves me scratching my head and wondering if I'm a lunatic for devoting my entire adult life to the cause of student ministry.
When this happens, the Holy Spirit almost always gently hits me over the head with a baseball bat and reminds me why student ministry is worth the effort. The effort that I often times simply fail to put in. This past Wednesday night, I delivered one of those "IN YOUR FACE" type messages in our Wednesday Night "Common Ground Service. I did it for two reasons, #1- The Holy Spirit got in my face and #2- I passed it on to show students that I have struggles just like they have struggles and because I want to be obedient, which means doing some things that I really don't like to do or say. Hopefully. the Spirit will move and grow because of this message.
Then I started thinking about our student ministry from the BIG PICTURE viewpoint. This is what I came up with and I felt like I just wanted to share.
Our student ministry give students a place to belong. Our student ministry builds community. It creates a safe place for questions to be asked and struggles to be shared. Our student ministry builds and strengthens friendships. It allows students to be known. It help students build relationships with adults who really care. It creates awesome memories.
It allows students to laugh when they want to laugh and cry when they need to cry. I truly feel that our student ministry can be the backbone of an environment in which the most life-change happens. Student Ministry is a lot of work, but it is so worth the effort.


Monday, August 20, 2007

At some point or another, we feel just that: typical.

The 168 hours of the week turn into a run-of-the-mill-treadmill scene where daily events turn into nothing more than the daily grind.
A guy named Solomon saw this coming oh about 3000 years ago.

Here's his version of Typical:

"Everything is meaningless," says the Teacher, "completely meaningless!" Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content. (Ecclesiastes 1:3, 8)

Have u ever wanted to rewind part of your life. Here's your chance ------

Here it is backwards:
(8, 3:1 setsaiselccE). tnetnoc ton era ew, raeh ew hcum woh rettam oN .deifsitas reven era ew ,ees ew hcum woh rettam oN .noitpircsed dnoyeb emosiraew si gnihtyrevE . "!sselgninaem yletelpmoc" ,rehcaeT eht syas ",sselgninaem si gnihtyrevE"

Kewl HUH. That took some doing.

Forwards or backwards, the truth about life is that it can often be exercises in meaninglessness and adventures in futility. So can we 'break the spell of the typical'?

I don't think we can - not by ourselves anyway.

Here is the point Solomon was making: we're trapped under the sun and in a state of same old - same old until we do something about it and that something involves Someone.

There is a God of the universe who gives us the privilege of actually connecting with Him and His purposes on earth. It doesn't involve anything real special to do that either, just a desire to break the spell and turn it around.

This is the point Jesus was making to his disciples when they asked Him how to get out of the typical. They saw something incredibly different about Him - especially that His life was anything but typical. They noticed that He spoke with His Father all the time, especially before

He went out and did untypical things. So they made a simple request:
"Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1).
So Jesus did:
Pray like this:

Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don't let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one. (Matthew 6:9-13)

When you pray, you connect with your heavenly Daddy - which should remind you that you ARE 'someone', and your Father is in complete charge of things. When you pray, it reminds you that God has a purpose and plan for you that is anything but typical. When you pray, it reminds you that you have needs like food and forgiveness - and especially you need protection from the evil one who doesn't want you to accomplish God's will on earth.

Most of all, when you pray, God opens your spiritual eyes and breaks the spell that kept you seeing daily events as random and repetitive repetitions. He died so you could live, and He lives so you can die to yourself and accomplish the unbelievable untypical mission he has for you.

So come on, can you dream for that day?

Remember, when you pray, there's NOTHING that can't be done.

Think on that a while.
till next time
Romans 5:1

Monday, August 06, 2007

God's Splendor

I think the word splendor is something we sometime just take for granted. For the last 3 days, I have been awakened by a stirring within me. All I want to do is wake up before the sonrise, watch the beginning of a new day while reading from God's word and just sit. This morning in the worship service, the common ground band played an old favorite song of mine, "Sit with Me A While". It made me reflect on the buzyness I have in my life. I never have time to just sit. I teach and speak to students about not getting caught in the Mary/Martha syndrome, but I find myself there more often than I like. But there is so much work to be done, so much to do.
Another revelation : This week, I have accepted the fact that I can not reach every student, but I can reach students one at a time. I've know it for years, but in talking with other collegiate leaders, they gave me some depth and insight in that area.

Rewind: In going back to the busyness of life: it's nice to just sit and reflect. Sit and think. Sit and meditate or just SIT. Life's going by so fast. But all the effort is so worth it. Tonight, I witnessed someone return to Christ. Someone I have been praying for, for years. It was through the beauty of being "broken". It was a true thing of beauty. True weeping is such a God thing. But through the flowing and flooding of tears, joy is released and inner peace is restored. We talked afterwards. The strange thing is, I knew it would happen. I wasn't sure how or when but I knew it would. God's grace and mercy is so sufficient. I sometimes feel so inadequant to do what I do, I guess that's just another God thing.

peace i give u, peace i leave with you.
Romans 5:1

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I have a fellow Student Minster who is like a mentor to many folks. His name is Al. Al, who lives in Alabama, has been in student/children’s minister for quite a long time, like 32 years. He sent this to me. I presume it was sent to him by one of his students. So I am sharing the thoughts and adding some of my own and inner-twinning them into then some deeper thoughts with you. After you think about it, it’s an eye opener. I have some closing thoughts just below the article. Let me hear from you.

Are We Really Spoiled?

Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth; before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no delight in them.”
Ecclesiastes 12:1

Our youth minister was talking to us about how we as teens could help change the world. He even showed us a picture and videos of third world countries of little children starving with no hope of food. I looked around the room and I saw sad faces. I saw faces of concerned teens who wanted to do something to make a difference. We even got in small groups and discussed what we could do to help others. One of our junior high girls began to shed a few tears as she held a picture of a helpless child. As a senior I wanted to see how this all panned out. Unfortunately, it was just as I thought, by the next Wednesday night youth group meeting we were all back to normal and only thinking about ourselves. We were talking about I-pods and the latest video games. Oh, well, life goes on. I’m sure the government will do something to help with our tax dollars; at least that’s what the adults say.

How do you feel about the children of third world countries?

What will you do to help just one of the third world children?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Matthew 6:25-34
Matthew 19:16-26

TC’s thoughts.
Now that you have read the short article, what are we doing to just help others?
Let me rephrase it. Not we. What are YOU doing to help others.
Woooooo, wait a minute. Remember the young guys & girls we just had for vacation bible school? What are we doing for them?

We don’t have to go to Africa to help people. Many are un-churched and some live at near poverty levels and they live right across the street. Well, I haven’t forgotten them. I think about and pray for them often. Maybe one day soon I can see them accepting Christ as savior. But, they will never GET IT unless we can show them compassion and get to know them.
It all starts by building relationships with others OUTSIDE our close knit group of friends.
Yes I am talking about our own little "clicks". Hey, having close friends are always needed, BUT
going outside of our comfort zone can be kinda freaky. But it's what we are made to do. REACH OUT to others.

Look at the example of Christ. He went to the extreme to set the example for us.
Can’t we even go across the street for him?

Monday, July 09, 2007

A note from a student.

Hey tc, how’s life in the fast paced world of student ministry? i thought about you the other day after talking with a, what used to be, a close friend of mine, in which the subject of our lives came up. we began to discuss what was going on in each other's lives and it was made clear that we both were okay with what was going in our lives right now. well let me re-phrase that we weren't okay with what was going on, we just didn't care enough to really fix anything. i mean this hit me hard and fast tonight. complacency is the biggest problem i believe christians face. it is what causes our relationship with Christ to begin to weaken. are we ever suppose to be okay with where we are in our lives, really is this what God wants from us as christians? i'm going to be honest. if God based the blessings we received on our efforts to know him better, i should be receiving nothing right now in my life, praise the Lord this isn't how God works i know it's not b/c i continue to received blessing after blessing. a few summers agowas a great summer for me and several people around me. Our lives had changed and we genuinely loved each other. then things began to change in all our lives in a BIG way. we all got "busy" (college), things came up, and basically we all grew apart and things really haven't been the same with all of us since. Now i know i shouldn't base my relationship with Christ on who is in my life at the time, but all i'm saying is that having that group of people, that community seems to make things so much easier. i believe God intended it this way. So am i being too over the top here with my thoughs? maybe some would say yes, and i'm okay with that all i know this is how i feel right now. what is it exactly that God expects out of each one of us? I know he wants us to love and forgive and all that stuff, but individually what does God want from each of us? We all have different things we excel at, and why is it sometimes we just don't care enough to find out what it is? we can lie or justify that it's not that we don't care, but i believe if we all got honest with ourselves we would admit that lack of desire is the basis of our justifications. that summer i have never felt more alive, more driven, it was a great feeling that i have not experienced so strongly since. God is really showing me things right now in very unique ways, i'm not some crazy, over zealous/beat you up because you don't believe in God christian but God does huge things everyday that we all miss out on! maybe it's b/c we are only consumed with ourselves and what's going on in only our lives that we miss things. i don't know i'm just throwing out options. i stongly urge everyone to look for where God is moving, he is def. moving i know it, alot of the times we don't even stop to see what he is doing in people's lives. it is so easy to focus on the bad b/c that is what is thrown in our faces constantly. there are alot of hurting people in our lives that we all know and sometimes that person is us whether we want to admit it or not, but i know he is doing great things in people and always will be! it brings me such joy to see him work in people, i love! i'm so thankful for the conversation i had with my friend that i didn't even expect all this out of! so I am going to watch and pay attention to others in my life, don't let huge things pass me by, love the Lord with all I am. he's going to take care of us! please disregard any mis-spelled words, maybe i should have mentioned this at the begining! oh well, and man this note is crazy long, oh well. u have always been a very special person in my life. u may not even remember me, that’s ok to. But one day a few years ago, u sat down with me one wednesday night and spoke some words that I know were not prearranged. words of truth and conviction. words that had to be from god. words I needed to hear at that time in my life. thanks for taking the time. it meant a lot then and means more now more than ever.
i know how busy u are. i stop by from time to time and check out the hope web site and see pictures of lots of new and younger students and there u are, still serving. wow. i don’t know how you do it, but so glad u do.

Hang in there,


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bring the Rain

Bring the Rain
I love that new Mercyme song "Bring the rain". It got be thinking and the following is what comes from being alone with God.

I watched “Facing the Giants” again a few days ago. The lead in the movie is a high school football coach whose job is on the line after yet another losing season. He has all kind of issues at both school and home, and he finds himself losing faith and questioning what God is doing, and why his prayers for success both on and off the field are seemingly going unanswered.
I love this one scene, when a man comes to visit the coach in his office. He shares with the coach a parable of two farmers who both prayed for rain, yet only one went out and prepared his field to receive the rain. Which farmer asked the man, do you suppose showed more faith? It was the one who took action in preparing to receive what he asked for.
That particular scene made me think about how often I pray for something but do not prepare myself or my heart to receive it. Part of that preparation often involves me waiting on God's timing, which is something that I struggle with. My prayers may sometimes be timid, as if I'm afraid to ask God for something really big because I'm afraid He won't come through. I don't think it's that I doubt that He CAN come through, but rather, that He desires to come through for me. I suppose experiencing heartbreak over the past couple of years has contributed to this being sometimes timid at times…… Hmmmmmmm
So I started questioning myself just like I would question a student.
Tim, how can you expect your faith to strengthen if you do not allow God the opportunity to work in a mighty way?
What you TIM COATS need to do is pray more boldly, and to act more boldly, in circumstances where God calls YOU to act.
YOU need to not only pray, but prepare for the rain as well.

With that being said, here’s my closing thoughts to you, the internet reader out there in hyper-space somewhere.

1. How are you preparing for the rain in your life?

2. How are you helping others prepare for the rain in their lives?

3. Do you ever become timid in your prayer life?

4. How do you think God really feels about being timid?

5. What are you actually afraid of, SUCCESS or scared of failing?

Wooooooo God fail, that will never happen. So what do you have to loose?

Till next time,

Romans 5:1

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Last night, I intended to spend much of the evening reading and studying my Bible.
Instead, I spent much of it surfing the Internet, adding files and programs to my new laptop. There's not anything wrong with that, but my time could definitely have been spent better.

I was beating myself up a bit this morning about not following through on what I intended to do last night, when these verses came to mind:The unfailing love of the LORD never ends!
By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin a fresh each day. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

How encouraging to be reminded that today is a fresh start. Just because I didn't do what I intended to do yesterday, that does not mean that today will be the same case.

I don't know about you, but I often need that reminder, not only for times when I don't accomplish what I intend, but especially when I sin. I doubt that any of us wake up each morning intending to fail or to sin. I usually pray during my commute to my day job, and a routine prayer is that I'd guard my words at work.

I have every intention of speaking only words of joy and encouragement to my co-workers throughout the day. And yet it's probably safe to say that I have yet to make it through a single day without saying something sarcastic or complaining or engaging in gossip or saying something I just shouldn't say. BUT, if I focus on how I goofed up at work, it would be very easy to convince myself that I'll never change, and why should I bother trying to watch what I say.
That is exactually about what my message is tonight. Messing up & staying messed up.

But as Jeremiah said in Lamentations, the Lord's mercies are new every day. Indeed, every moment that we seek forgiveness, we are given a fresh start!Do not be discouraged by what you did or didn't do yesterday.

So today let's all rejoice and take heart in knowing that today is a fresh start for you and for me.

till next time,
peace out
romans 5:1

Thursday, May 03, 2007

GOOD GRIEF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes things just happen that bring you back to where your need to be, like last night.
I had to go & attend this vbs (vacation bible school) meeting. It was something that actually on Wednesday, I really didn't have time for BUT, something I knew I needed to attend. Josh had been wanting to go check out another student service in the area, so that was his opportunity to do so. So with no actual worship time, as we had announced, I figured students would be elsewhere for the evening, was I ever mistaken. I had not prepared a message or even a devotional, thinking very few would even show up. Again, my mistake. But God knew it would happen before I did.

When my vbs meeting had adjourned, I walked my way back to a more familiar setting (the student area), & found lots of students. They kept asking me, we ARE still having a service aren't we ? So with a bit of hesitation on my part I said, "sure". My mind immediately went into hyper drive and my internal hard drive went into super-sonic blast speed. What will I say, what will it be, I'm just not ready for this. I need to be better prepared. So I quietly slipped away for a few minutes and asked for help from above. I found myself after a short quiet time in the book of 1 Timothy. I read Paul's Charge to Timothy, chapter 6 vs 11 & so on. WOW, divine revelation. As I began reading, a million thoughts began to flow in my brain like a giant faucet had been turned on and they kept coming and coming. I spoke on how Paul knew Timothy was his hand picked one and someone who would accomplish some amazing things for Christ and was always encouraging Timothy and speaking words of dedication, obedience and the goodness of Christ. Hardly anyone moved for nearly 15 minutes, eyes were focused and it seemed to have struck a nerve with a few students who needed to hear those very words Paul had spoken thousands of years ago. Wow.

After the service, I had the honor and privilege to speak to a certain very sweet young lady who was touched deeply by the words I had read and by words I had spoken. Most of what I said I actually don't even remember, but obviously God is still in the business of mending broken hearts and drawing students into his ever loving arms of safety. We talked for well over an hour. Through my time of mainly listening, tears flowed that could have filled up a good size bucket. But these tears of sorrow and frustration slowly turned to tears of joy and her smile returned.

Student Ministry has a way of just totally wearing you out, both mentally and physically. But through the sacrificial hours that are poured into studnet's lives each week, a feeling of my actions or maybe some words spoken that glorifies the FATHER rises to the top. I have seen so many times how I am so unequipped to even begin to do what I do, but by being obedient, God always supplies just what I need and at just the right time. He knew what would happen last night, who needed to hear what and when it would all come together to GLORIFY HIM. After all, HE is our FATHER and what FATHER doesn't always wants to best for his kids.

till next time,
romans 5:1

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Graduation 2007

I saw a post on facebook yesterday that really got me thinking. Then, I was looking and scanning pictures of the seniors pics for graduate recogniton day and thought OH MY GOSH THEY ARE SENIORS. I guess it just caught me by surprize. I guess I had a TC moment there. haha

I looked back a few years and knew this group would be special in many ways but the most important way is how they have grown deeper in Christ, for the largest majority of them anyway. It has been an honor to see most of them all the way through this student ministry I guess it shows how long I've been here and how OLD I am actually getting, like 53 on May 9th. It just seems like life is getting faster and faster these days and the older we all get the younger we want to be & the younger students are the older they wanna be. What is it with that anyway?

I go back to where I really got hooked on student ministry when my buddy Todd was the head cheese in the student ministry, wow did have some awesome times. I did other stuff at times with students way way back but there is where I drove my stake in the ground to give myself away and to share my life with some truly amazing students. They just make me so proud.

I fast forward to last night & see a totally new generation on the verge of exploding the world wide open for Christ and it humbles me when I see radical students who can't wait to conquer High School and take their schools back for Jesus. Awesome.

There's so much more to say & so much more to do, so that's enough for now.
I talk tooooooo much anyway.

Night kids,
Romans 5:1

Saturday, February 10, 2007

And your excuse is ?

Our great-grandfathers called it the holy Sabbath; our grandfathers, the Sabbath; our fathers, Sunday; but now we call it the weekend.

Times have changed since was 15. It used to be that it was not a question of whether we wanted to attend church or not. It was not a question of whether you were going to wear your "Sunday go to meeting clothes" to worship God it. That's just the way it was. You are going to Sunday school and church and you will wear your best clothes. God deserved it.

People can come up with far too many excuses for not attending church. The preacher is boring or the songs are like 198o. The Sunday school teacher can’t teach a lick or that youth group is a bunch of Jesus freaks. Think about this the next time you want to just lay out of church.

Think of Jesus hanging on the cross so you can live eternally in heaven.
Think of God giving up His Son.
Think of the trial and the beatings that Jesus went through before he was crucified.
Think about His side being pierced by a soldier.
So, what was your excuse?

If you think you have all the answers check out
Acts 2:42
I Corinthians 12:27
Hebrews 10:25

Worship starts at 930 am every Sunday
6:16 every Wednesday night


Friday, January 26, 2007

" Aftermath "

Last night while I was just taking a break, I know that is hard to believe,but I do that from time to time. I was thinking & reflecting on God and his divine nature. The wonderful way he sometimes brings things to the surface for us to see and experience. After a HUGE DNOW weekend, I sometimes go through what I would call a "spiritual down spiral" it;s kinda like a spiritual depression, you know what I am talking about. You have something BIG occur in your life and you want it to continue for ever & the WHAM it stops as fast as it started. Eveything vanishes, the people, the music, the message & all the confusion that comes with 20 + girls staying in one house comes to a grinding HALT. Everything goes back to the still quiet of an empty house and an empty gym. Bummer !!!! But WAIT, that not the ending. It's actually the beginning this time. This time, I saw and an stilll seeing the dead brought to life and the ones who were alive are refreshed and re-energized, YEEPEE. This year DNOW was different. Deeper music, deeper worship but yet not so so deep bible study. I say that to know that sometimes just building relationships and talking about stuff is JUST what many needed.
Sitting around and just talking about life is a processof healing. Sharing your concerns and struggles with others & talking stuff through. LOTS of that went on.
But during the worship service, something happened. WOOOOOOO, Before I can get to that let's rewind to the Tuesday before. God sent me a message. I shared this with the students last Wednesday night at Common Ground. The message was, "It will happen Saturday Night". That was my message. At the time I had no clue what it was till the next day rolled around. Not knowing how to take this new prophecy, I called our guest speaker, John and explianed it to him. Later that day I talked to one of our small group leaders, Brooklyn and told her the story. The following day a student called me & told me she has had something on her heart that she strongly feels she is suppossed to tell someone or some group. She went on to tell me her story and I immediately knew what to do. God had told me just the day before, "It will happen Saturday Night". So I immediately knew she was beng led by God to me & I was to get her to tell her story at DNOW. The rest is another story in a story, but an amazing thing happend. Students were frozen in time & for more than three hours, eyes were focused on each studnet as they rose from their seat and spoke what the spirit led them to say. Many told secrets that had been hidden away in their closets. Many just shared about how God was working in their lives in an amazing way. Walls began to come down, tears flowed of brokenness but yet tears of joy quickly replaced them. God had orchestrated the entire thing right before my very eyes and that feeling of God speaking to me is still so alive in my heart.
Two days later, I was in the gym on Tuesday night. The Holy Spirit was still there, still working and longing for students to return and rekindle the deep worship that had occurred in that very place just a few days earlier. At Common Ground, the following day, the deep worship was still very evident as yet more walls had been torn down and healing was taking place.
This Student Ministry has experinced something deep and something so wonderful, God's presence in a HUGE way. Someone told me right after that service, that they had NEVER experienced God's presence like that before, EVER.
God is alive and well and his passion for us is unimaginable. Way beyond what we could ever comprehend. In closing, all I can say is " What an amzing journey we have before us. I can't wait to see how God is going to use this to HIS GLORY".

God is moving in MANY of our students lives and that is something I have been praying for for YEARS. God is always true and always faithful, even when we doubt him.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

DNOW 2007

Twas the night before DNOW
and all thru the house
NOT a creature was stirring,
not even my pet mouse.
Aggie was snuggled all curled up in her bed,
and dreaming of chillins' was stirring in her head.
Mia & Taz were all bedded down, getting some rest
while knowing tomorrow, they would be put to the test.
As for Penny and I
I just wanted to cry.
My feet hurt & my phone kept on ringing,
I kept thinking to myself, I aught to be singing.
The Students were exicted & happy with joy
all good and knowing they had to leave their boy toy.
So tomorrow let's all get ready to say
DNOW is here and so let ONE Way play. !!!!!!!!!