Thursday, May 03, 2007

GOOD GRIEF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes things just happen that bring you back to where your need to be, like last night.
I had to go & attend this vbs (vacation bible school) meeting. It was something that actually on Wednesday, I really didn't have time for BUT, something I knew I needed to attend. Josh had been wanting to go check out another student service in the area, so that was his opportunity to do so. So with no actual worship time, as we had announced, I figured students would be elsewhere for the evening, was I ever mistaken. I had not prepared a message or even a devotional, thinking very few would even show up. Again, my mistake. But God knew it would happen before I did.

When my vbs meeting had adjourned, I walked my way back to a more familiar setting (the student area), & found lots of students. They kept asking me, we ARE still having a service aren't we ? So with a bit of hesitation on my part I said, "sure". My mind immediately went into hyper drive and my internal hard drive went into super-sonic blast speed. What will I say, what will it be, I'm just not ready for this. I need to be better prepared. So I quietly slipped away for a few minutes and asked for help from above. I found myself after a short quiet time in the book of 1 Timothy. I read Paul's Charge to Timothy, chapter 6 vs 11 & so on. WOW, divine revelation. As I began reading, a million thoughts began to flow in my brain like a giant faucet had been turned on and they kept coming and coming. I spoke on how Paul knew Timothy was his hand picked one and someone who would accomplish some amazing things for Christ and was always encouraging Timothy and speaking words of dedication, obedience and the goodness of Christ. Hardly anyone moved for nearly 15 minutes, eyes were focused and it seemed to have struck a nerve with a few students who needed to hear those very words Paul had spoken thousands of years ago. Wow.

After the service, I had the honor and privilege to speak to a certain very sweet young lady who was touched deeply by the words I had read and by words I had spoken. Most of what I said I actually don't even remember, but obviously God is still in the business of mending broken hearts and drawing students into his ever loving arms of safety. We talked for well over an hour. Through my time of mainly listening, tears flowed that could have filled up a good size bucket. But these tears of sorrow and frustration slowly turned to tears of joy and her smile returned.

Student Ministry has a way of just totally wearing you out, both mentally and physically. But through the sacrificial hours that are poured into studnet's lives each week, a feeling of my actions or maybe some words spoken that glorifies the FATHER rises to the top. I have seen so many times how I am so unequipped to even begin to do what I do, but by being obedient, God always supplies just what I need and at just the right time. He knew what would happen last night, who needed to hear what and when it would all come together to GLORIFY HIM. After all, HE is our FATHER and what FATHER doesn't always wants to best for his kids.

till next time,
romans 5:1

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