Friday, April 02, 2010

Good Friday or was it?

Well it's been a while since I have even opened my blog. Sometimes, we just need a break from stuff and blogging was one of them. BUT, I am back in the saddle again.

Sometimes I get the urge to write. Just sometimes, not all the time and when I do, it's some random thought that pops in my head from some underlying brain activity that has not yet settled. Kinda like space junk drifting in the heavens somewhere. But this time it's to state a few things.

I have been very deep and really zoning in on what this Cross is all about for months now. Nearly every believer should have a pretty good idea what happened from Psalm Sunday until Easter. If you don't,......... well, I won't go there today. But, the more I find and comprehend, the deeper it takes me and in conclusion I beleieve that, "We are very messed up people". I can grasp when Paul says,"NOT EVEN ONE". I look at my life and see sooooooo many blown opportunities. Wasted time to never get recovered and recycled again. Why do we do that. We see and conclude what we do or don't do and say the wrong things and fix the problem and then down the road somewhere we drift off into Never Never Land. Why can't we ever stay focused on THE PRIZE and finish strong.

I watched The Passion of the Christ last night again with students from my church. That movie always stirs my soul but I believe that the beatings where much more intense than any movie can ever show. Then Jesus hanging on the cross and prayed for the ones who were nailing him to the tree. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing". I think they knew, but they had no clue who it really was. I have no way of even imagining what Jesus must have felt. ALL GOD but yet ALL HUMAN. Human in Nature but Divine as well and allowing it to go forward knowing that all this built up anger God had from the beginning of time and forever more was about to be put on him. (Silent long pause.....................). God's Wrath !!!!!!! Pouring out. Earth trembling. Lightening crashing. Thunder roaring. Earth opening up. Mountains faling. Men running scared. Such an incredible picture that it is hard to visualize and feel.

Before the Cross is for anyone else’s sake, the Cross is for God’s sake. That was it's reason.

Divine satisfaction (God shows His holy character) thru divine substitution (God slays His only Son). That is it's meaning.

I have heard the following words for years and always thought it to be true until now.

"When Jesus was hanging on the Cross, was He thinking about me or you?"
My answer is NO. Jesus hung on the Cross for GOD'S GLORY, not because I am a nice guy. He was absolutely obedient to his Father to the end. He accomplished his mission. He finished his business on earth.

So what's happening in your life? Do you have any unfinished business with God?
The more I serve, the more I see that there is something Bigger out there that we all know and His Name is GOD.

Love God Love People is easy to say, so what's your hangup?

Today being Good Friday was NOT a good day for Jesus'. But in the process it became a great day for us.

Divine Substitution makes way for Divine Satisfaction and that is the GOOD NEWS that we need to share.

80% of the people you ask to come to church on Easter Sunday will come. There is NO easier time to ask than now.

Do Something!

till next time

Romans 5:1

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