Friday, October 27, 2006

WHEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, ya made it to the ends week, grrrrrr, I mean weak end, no I don't, I mean weekend.
There we go. Anyway, it's been that kinda week. Sometimes I had to ask if I was coming or going & then once I got to were I was supposed to be, I fergit' what I wuz thar fer'. hmmm.
Anyhooo, I just wanted to share with you two quick stories. Both are similar in nature but yet so far away from each other. Both have to do with GOD.
In both situations God is using his orchestrated situations to bring people back to their families and back to him. The first part of each story has been written. The characters have done their part. The middle scene(s) are currently under development and the ending has not yet been written. Only time will tell, but you can be sure that GOD will get the glory from both of them.
FAITH in God is essential to being the Christian that God has called us to be. Regardless of the outcome, lives have already been changed with what has already taken place.

Stay tuned for the details as they develop.
Have a great end week, I mean weekend.
Romans 5:1

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